Been smoking weed for 10+ Years. Heart Started Racing then Blacked out???

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AliAlaska said:
Someone who went through the same thing I went through! Only difference? I kept smoking. But just to give you some background on my experiences... I started smoking REGULARLY around 15 or 16 yo. I am now almost 21 and have passed out/blacked out probably about 6 times after smoking. Recently, I had moved to Alabama from Michigan and I started smoking much better weed (dro, if you will).. I've never noticed any correlation between the strength of the weed and the times I passed out but it always happened the same way: vision starts getting strange, heart begins to race, and if I'm standing I'll usually try to get to something and almost always fail. So embarrassing when there are people I'm not super comfortable with around. But those times weren't bad, I just passed out and came back to in less than a couple minutes. Now don't confused this with black outs. Because I was cognitive of what others were saying. However, one time (only) I smoked some good **** and it started the same but it was worse. Much worse. I was sitting outside smoking a cigarette when it began. Felt my heart begin to race, my vision started swimming then started to get dark, and I knew what was about to come so (stupidly) I tried to get up to at least go inside (didnt want neighbors seeing me and call 911) But I passed out before I got to the door. This is the only time I blacked out. My boyfriend had to carry me inside while I was shaking, sweating to the point of being drenched (the floor was wet) but even when I gained consiousness, I couldn't move or speak. Finally after a while I was okay but it was so scary. I should have gone to the ER looking back, but when weed is involved, ya know... Anyway, I was wondering what the exact circumstances were for you. I wish I remembered it better but it was just so strange. Oh and idk if it helps but I was deathy pale when it happened too. Like white as pure cocaine. I know this was a while back so you may not ever see this but I cant find anyone else who went through the exact thing.

This sounds like something you may want to see a brain specialist about.....
I'm not a doctor or anything but I do workout, so here's my take

1) Working out and not eating will drop your blood sugar huge. What's the point of hitting the gym and not fueling your muscles to help in recovery. Doing this will cause your body to eat your muscles as an energy source and thus going to the gym was actually a step backwards.

2) Drinking and not eating will obviously allow the alcohol to be absorbed much quicker. Also, your body had no energy put in to it then all of a sudden gets smacked with a shyt tonne of simple carbs to throw your glycemic index through the roof. Alcohol also lowers blood pressure.

Your kidneys are also working extra hard after a hard workout dealing with all the creatine kinase caused by the tearing of muscle tissues. Throwing booze at them in large amounts, especially instead of water, after a hard workout will not leave them feeling very happy.

3) Marijuana has a tendency to lower your blood pressure as well, especially after just smoking since you have displaced a large portion of oxygen for smoke.

So the jist, you probably blacked out due to low blood pressure from all these things combined. As I say, I'm not a doctor, but I bet if you fueled your body after your workout, you would not have blacked out.
ive had similar experiences as well, Anxiety is the culpret after the first time, but what sets off the anxiety in the first place? I can explain! theres an article floating around the internet and also I posted a link to it here on MP as well, under curing/harvesting i believe. Its called the importance of harvesting mature marijuana. the article talks about how underdeveloped and immature, or clear trichomes can give effects of anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia, and psychosis. Mainly marijuana produced by cashcroppers and cartels. Their sole purpose in the marijuana game is to make money, therefore when the buds stop packing on weight, they pick! they dont check for cloudy or amber trichomes, cuz they dont care. they would have to wait a couple more weeks, and theyve already achieved what theyre after which is weight, not quality. They wanna grow the buds to a certain size and chop and sell, so they can start a new crop! the more crops per year, the more they grow and the more money they make. This can also be inexperienced/new growers as well, as they just dont know and pick too early. then we buy this bud and smoke it and get the undesired effects of immature trichomes. you see they need to be cloudy so the chemicals in it can change into thc, and amber to change to cbd. those of us who grow, and know what were doing and actually use the product ourselves, wait patiently for the marijuana to mature properly , so we can recieve the desired affects! ive suffered from this for a while, and while some of it is all in your head due to bad experiences, sometimes its not your fault, but the growers mistake. this is why I grow my own, for safety and knowing exactly what im getting! also i like indicas they mellow me out more and ive never had a bad experience with them unlike the sativas, which are more prone to the anxious side effects! hope this helps and look for that articl, its a very good read!
ok small edit, its under indoor growing, i replied to it so it would be on the first page so you had a chance to find this article.
I passed out just a few weeks ago not sure from what but I am diabetic and had not eaten since mid day passed out close to midnight after only 3 beers and around 3 grams beteen me and a buddy in the vaporizer I ate and was fine afterward I would just drink or blaze when I felt up to it instead of planning it and making myself parinod from knowing that I am going to use something that has made me sick don't hold back but don't push it either a blunt is alot of hits try four five or even less just get a good buzz not fubared that might help but then again I could be wrong what ever you take in seriously and be safe .
Probably BP. Some Weed can raise yur BP.
Bro, I know what your problem is and how to fix it.... You need to find some rags, like good quality terry cloths. Rap them tightly around your ankles and then soak them in kerosene!
This will stop those ants from running up your legs and eating your candy ***!
No, I'm kidding, sorry its not a laughing matter it just that I can't keep myself from busting that on some one! You know you liked it!
I have a friend that loved to smoke and he had issues come about similar to what you have explained. It has been 2-3 years since he has smoked and will not smoke again. He wants too but he's scared. Don't let this happen! Don't think about it and start back with just weed SLOWLY.
I'm sure your problem was the empty stomach/alcohol.
I am a roofer in Florida!!! People ask how I stand the heat all day every day. I tell them Oranges and Bananas! I eat my vegetables, good nights sleep. I can tell the difference in how I feel and perform when I had steak and potatoes the previous night and when I eat Fish and salads. What a huge difference! You get out what you put In.

Smoke a lil then do something, don't get high and sit around and wait to see if happens again! Your friends are there, If something does happen they got your back. But always, always, Eat right or best you can!
I am leaning towards Anxiety & Poor nutrition/hydration.( along with Low BP )
If it happens again - you should try to breath with a brown lunch bag over your mouth and nose. I would also have friend around when you smoke to help you evaluate the situation.
Sounds like you just need to quit drinking.
sounds like u should go see a doctor..tht would be the smart thing 2 do..

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