Auto White Russian Grow

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Hey IRISH, thanks for stopping in. I didn't take any clones b/c I thought you could not take clone from an Auto? I am not positive though. Yea, I am pretty bummed bout my others that didn't make it, but I am still in the learning phase I guess haha. And yes, including today, she has only been fed nutes 3 times. I am slowly increasing the feedings with about every other watering.
You cannot clone an Auto.

It is inbred to flower vigorously by a growth age.

Try to clone it and all you do is remove a bud branch.

The removed cutting is in flower mode, by the time any roots show, the branch dies.

Try it, find out for yourself.

Can they be perennial HIE? I read that Pukka I think the company name is had their autos listed as perennial. But never heard of it anywhere else.

Im tempted to trim the buds off one when done and see. I doubt it, but I got nothing else to do lol.
I hve cloned my Pakistan Ryder and the clone is alive and well but the Paki turned out to be auto in name showed sex early and reached a height and stayed there but did not flower till I threw her in 12/12...
Hamster Lewis said:
I hve cloned my Pakistan Ryder and the clone is alive and well but the Paki turned out to be auto in name showed sex early and reached a height and stayed there but did not flower till I threw her in 12/12...

did she strech when you put her on 12/12 if so how much?
Can they be perennial HIE? I read that Pukka I think the company name is had their autos listed as perennial. But never heard of it anywhere else.

Im tempted to trim the buds off one when done and see. I doubt it, but I got nothing else to do lol.

Cannabis plants are seasonal.
Thanks HIE, I didn't think you could clone an auto.

She seems to really be packing on the weight these past few days, and getting pretty stinky! Getting excited haha.
So, there is no chance of revegging an auto because it does not really have a veg stage?
Just another little pic update.



TexasMonster said:
So, there is no chance of revegging an auto because it does not really have a veg stage?

No you can't clone or reveg a true auto...A cpl of people including myself hve gotten plants that were supposed to be autos and they turned out to be unstable and did not auto flower... I hve cloned mine but it is not a true auto flowering plant... it showed sex early and stayed small but needed to be put into 12/12 to begin flowering...
Great looking grow Smokestack.
Hope you dont mind, used that last post of yours as an example on Hamsters grow when I put up a couple new pics of my own just now.
Check them out. In Hamsters sig, its the 3rd Grow thats the link. Last page at the moment.
I have no problem with you using any pic I post Spear! :) It's OK with me.

Thanks Hamster, it kinda looks like I have a little nute burn, so I am gonna back off some for a couple days.
Some more pics. I got a lil bit of yellowing. Is that normal for this time frame or what? Besides that, things seem to be looking good!



Long as the yellowing is just on the fan leaves. They should be drying up and droppin off about now.
40 days and past doorknob height. Wow. Massive auto you have there.
Mine only extends a couple inches past the height of the branch buds. And mines on day 59 right now. So thats a monster you got.
Beautiful plant.
Thank ya SPEARCHUCKER. The yellowing is only on the fan leaves, so thats good! Did have a little nute burn on some other leaves, b/c I gave her 2 doses back to back accidently, but I think I will be ok. Such a stoner lol. Anyway, good luck with your grow man!
Your plants look great and the yellowing you hve going on looks totally normal...with my auto grows the plants are almost completely light yellow to white by the time the chop comes....
Here we are at 45 days old. It looked like I was having a little Magnesium def, so I began watering yesterday with a bit of Epsom Salt to see if that helps any. Besides that, I think things are going OK.



