Attack of the clones!

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hey chef ive finaly transplanted the 2 BR's to there final homes ive snap a couple of roots doing it as the roots were tangled up through the holes at the bottom of the pots but hopefully no major damage
the little 1 seems to be doing ok now heres some pics
pic 1 is the roots on the little 1
pic 2 is the little 1
pic 3 roots on the big 1
pic 4 is the big 1

im stuck inbetween a rock and a hard place 2 of my big BR's have hermi'd and i dont know witch 1's i tuc the clones off should i just grow then and hope they didnt come from the hermi or get rid wot do you think




Grow them out but watch out for cross pollenation, remember with clones your starting it's life where the mother basically left off. Roots look very healthy. I wouldn't worry to much about a couple, just tell her your sorry.
i think the little 1 is not from the hermi i have 1 plant that grew quite yellow from seed and is still yellowish now so i think the little 1 has come from that so hopefully its all good:)
Lookin good Fruity keep it up ....:D
Here are mine ... it's getting a lil difficult to take pics , it's extremly crowded and getting hard to figure out which plant is which lol... (guess thats not really a bad thing now is it .....:D) They have about 3-4 more weeks of veg time then they will be split up into 5 plants per tub once they go into the flower room .... The 1st one is the re-veg i did with the PK .. #2 & #3 are the WR. #4 & #5 are the MK. & of course i forgot to get a pic of the LH ... DOH!!!

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Good luck on the re-veg. Looking good my friend. Got two tss in flower and the p-express clones will be going in tomorrow. Gonna get a little crowded in there.
Here's a few snaps of the p-express clone all bushed out. She'll be going in the flower room tonight. This is my first round of clones so not trying extremly hard but will have some coming up that will be fully grown out.



:ciao: chef....:48:

heres one I took 2.5 weeks in flower...and spent 14 days in cloner:lama:

Have a great day:bolt::bong:






Lookin good Fruity keep it up ....:D
Here are mine ... it's getting a lil difficult to take pics , it's extremly crowded and getting hard to figure out which plant is which lol... (guess thats not really a bad thing now is it .....:D) They have about 3-4 more weeks of veg time then they will be split up into 5 plants per tub once they go into the flower room .... The 1st one is the re-veg i did with the PK .. #2 & #3 are the WR. #4 & #5 are the MK. & of course i forgot to get a pic of the LH ... DOH!!!

Is that reveg under 24 hr lighting? :holysheep: must have some serious patiants(sp)..Mojo for the RV:lama:
:48: back at ya smoke! Green mojo fer your clone!
fruity86 said:
im stuck inbetween a rock and a hard place 2 of my big BR's have hermi'd and i dont know witch 1's i tuc the clones off should i just grow then and hope they didnt come from the hermi or get rid wot do you think

Dajavu...Hello my new friend:48: I had same issue this fall only a few weeeks back. I dont wanna contradict chef by telling ya to not grow them personally I tosed all clones i had in question..I cant take chance with my Virgin one likes hermi weed..looks like ya have nice plants to take with ya tho..its a set back...but the choice is yours..Take some clones now from the one ya know not to be will just take longer to root....sorry about the happens to us all...oh...and ask ya self.....Can I inspect every inch of every plant in question every day if not twice a day? only takes one sac to fuc yer crop..and it could be deep in a bud..ya wont see it....but the fans will help it find some pistols:eek: okay enough type..need Bong..have a Great week:bolt::bong:
4u2sm0ke said:
Is that reveg under 24 hr lighting? :holysheep: must have some serious patiants(sp)..Mojo for the RV:lama:

yup 24hr. of light .... i gots nuttin but time ...Lol....
Man i don't think even i've got that much patientce! Ok all, All the clones are in the flower tent. Things getting crowded....:D Took some snaps of a almost full tent fer all to enjoy, that and i couldn't think of a better place to put these:p


4u2sm0ke said:
Dajavu...Hello my new friend:48: I had same issue this fall only a few weeeks back. I dont wanna contradict chef by telling ya to not grow them personally I tosed all clones i had in question..I cant take chance with my Virgin one likes hermi weed..looks like ya have nice plants to take with ya tho..its a set back...but the choice is yours..Take some clones now from the one ya know not to be will just take longer to root....sorry about the happens to us all...oh...and ask ya self.....Can I inspect every inch of every plant in question every day if not twice a day? only takes one sac to fuc yer crop..and it could be deep in a bud..ya wont see it....but the fans will help it find some pistols:eek: okay enough type..need Bong..have a Great week:bolt::bong:

thanks for your input im still not sure wot to do i have more clones of diffrent strains i think i may just enter them infact yes i will il leave the BRin aswell and if they show hermi then there gone :)

first pic is the new clone gaian haze this weed is K.O
second BR
third is a pic of BR just over 6 weeks



Fruity show us what you got, you got my vote........till the trainwreck is ready...Heheheheee!
Ok all here we have the tss twins, white hairs are present and they look good. Next up is the p-express clone also showing white hairs and last the latest addition i did today, a trainwreck clone! Looking foward to next years harvest!









looking good chef and every1 else ive completley forgot wot clone i was entering so ive picked this 1 and labeled it i still have 1 BRaswel both plants have had all the bottom groth trimed hopefully to make just 1 cola on the BR and the GH 3 colas all the bottom fan leaves have been left on ive never done this b4 so wish me luck both clones and 5 or 6 more will be going into flowering in a week or 2 in my clone gj i have trimed all clones to hopefully make 1 single cola, 2 colas, 3 cola 4 and 5colas anyway back to this gj here are some pics the BRis 11inch the GH is 17inch


OK here are my clones moving right along ....1st & 2nd are the WR ,3rd is a MK, 4th is the LH , 5th is the re-veg of the PK, & last but not in the least at all will prob be my entry ------ it's a MK & she is BEASTING out I'm gonna give her another 2 weeks and put her to flower ....


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Looking good guys! Think i'll have the p-express fer january.
Here's some i snapped today of the twins and the p-express clones. The thai ss is gonna grow tall like thier mother. Didn't snap any of the t-wreck waiting to transplant in a few days. Let's get an update fellas!








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