Hey Sarah, first, you have to realize how your plants are going to grow in the system you purchased.
While still small, the plants root systems are mostly within the rockwool cubes and can be drowned easily by too much water.
You want to make sure that the rockwool is fully hidden from any possible light. I use two inches of hydroton over mine. If light gets to them, you'll have lots of algae growth and it'll mess up your entire grow.
Once you've buried your new seedlings roots so that no light can ever get to them, you have to keep the rockwool MOIST, but not wet or dry. This is difficult to do with a drip system. I usually advise people to hand water until the root system develops outside the rockwool cube. That way, you can gently probe the top of the rockwool with your finger and feel how moist it is. Plants need oxygen as much as water. If you keep the rockwool too wet, it'll drown the roots from lack of oxygen.
Once the root system is established well into the hydroton, it's almost impossible to over water with a drip system.
If you can't water by hand several times a day, then you would want to adjust your drip to almost nothing. Just enough to dampen the rockwool so that is doesn't dry out. If it goes dry, it's as bad as drowning them.
Knowing all this will enable you to adjust your drip to provide only enough water to moisten the rockwool.
No nutrients until the plants are well established outside the rockwool. If you give them nutes now, you'll just kill them.
Let us know how it goes.