Arjans Haze#2 Strawberrycough A New Hydro Set Up Need All The Help I Can Get!!

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hey guys
i have problem with my temps in the tent when the lights are out my temps go as low as 58 hope this is not to cold if so i can put n a heater
let me know .:eek:


howdy sillysara,you could try covering the floor of the grow area with stones (darker the better) so while the lights are on they will heat up the stones,and when the lights are off the stones will slowly release the heat back into the grow room.
some problems again today having problems with the seeds..
yesterday morning i put my seeds that popped in some soilless cubes and checked on them this morning and they dint come through the top of the cubes so i left them another 12 hrs and and checked again and still no sign of the seeds coming through ...i dint want to take a chance on losing them so i prepared some soil pots and transfered them and put them back in the propogater so im praying to god they come through the soil..even then it will be 48hrs since germination so im hoping every thing be alright.

now these are the seeds that im gonna use in my hydrophonics setup the problem is that i dont know how to transplant them into the hydrophonics system ..thats if everything will work out with the seeds coming through the soil and all..
guys let me know if any the above makes since and what i can do to make things better any help at all thanks



sara i started my first hydro set just a couple days ago. what worked well for me was to put the seeds in wet rockwool and them cover them with a wet paper towel. all four of mine where sprouted before 48hrs. here a pick of my hydro 2 days after it sprouted.i dont have my pump runnig yet i just water it twice a day. hope this could help ....good luck

sara i tried that the my first time it worked but it shocked the plant really bad and it grew like s**** but it can be done. good luck
Sara I really enjoy the strains you've picked out. I have wanted to grow that cough since I first read about it at around 19...late '03, early '04. Keep trucking with that hydro set up....I have been curious of the soil -> hydro transfer as well. I think, if you let the babies go pretty dry....this will make the soil brush off more easily. Then bring'em in a dark room when brushing off the soil...I would try and do that and leave just a small amount of dirt by the base....if you put that on top of a half filled basket of hydroton, and then cover the rest of the spaces with hydroton. Then maybe with just a drop of Superthrive in your watering mix, I think you could minimize shock and be successful.....I know I'd like to see you succeed and I will be looking forward to checking in. Keep at it Sara.
hey all
a bit of fortune today they all came through the soil this next move is to figure out how to transplant them into the hydrophonics system:eek: but for now they are alive..thank god


heY Guys
just got the hydrophonics system today and nearly finished setting it up i have a couple of questions hopfully u can help me out..whats the time limit with the drip is it every hr or half hr ,im not sure on what to set up on the!!






hollywood52 said:
my kinfolk has a drip system and he used to run evry hr.for the first two wks then every half
im kinda confused so every hr the drip will come on but how long will it run for a minute or two..i got this timer cud i use it?

my kin said anywhere from 1-3 min is good. to keep the rockwool and the roots from drying out. the longer the rooots get the more you might have to run it..hope that helps
good luck sara
thanks hollywood
im gonna have to get a timer that goes off for 3 minutes
any thing else anybody wants to add to the above ill be glad to hear from you;)
ask POTUS to come over and have a look at your thread and ask him if he can give you some pointers... he's a very experienced hydro guy. He can set you up real good. ;)
Hey Sarah, first, you have to realize how your plants are going to grow in the system you purchased.

While still small, the plants root systems are mostly within the rockwool cubes and can be drowned easily by too much water.

You want to make sure that the rockwool is fully hidden from any possible light. I use two inches of hydroton over mine. If light gets to them, you'll have lots of algae growth and it'll mess up your entire grow.

Once you've buried your new seedlings roots so that no light can ever get to them, you have to keep the rockwool MOIST, but not wet or dry. This is difficult to do with a drip system. I usually advise people to hand water until the root system develops outside the rockwool cube. That way, you can gently probe the top of the rockwool with your finger and feel how moist it is. Plants need oxygen as much as water. If you keep the rockwool too wet, it'll drown the roots from lack of oxygen.

Once the root system is established well into the hydroton, it's almost impossible to over water with a drip system.

If you can't water by hand several times a day, then you would want to adjust your drip to almost nothing. Just enough to dampen the rockwool so that is doesn't dry out. If it goes dry, it's as bad as drowning them.

Knowing all this will enable you to adjust your drip to provide only enough water to moisten the rockwool.

No nutrients until the plants are well established outside the rockwool. If you give them nutes now, you'll just kill them.

Let us know how it goes.
jez thanks alot potus great post.. next week ill be transplanting into the system i long do i leave them in the rockwoll and in the propagater fors? thanks on droppin in :)
sillysara said:
jez thanks alot potus great post.. next week ill be transplanting into the system i long do i leave them in the rockwoll and in the propagater fors? thanks on droppin in :)

You're very welcome, Sara.

I would suggest that you leave them in the propagator until you see roots really coming out of the rockwool. That will shorten the time you have to hand water in your drip unit.
hey all i have some pictures of my seedlings 2 days old and my other grow that i have going on ,i have a qustion on it..i have them in flower for over a week and they still have not shown sex yet their mixed seeds from sensi.. and been getting good air and light the temps are good also..
how long more do u think it will be before they show sex?
thanks alot guys:)






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