Yo Ho brajoni,
First allow me to welcome you here, I think we can be of help to ya.
Yes, you can put your plant back into veg, there are multiple posts by some of the real hot growers here covering doing that. As for those little annoying fungis gnats, Diatomacious Earth is the way to treat them. You just sorta dust very lightly your soil, and leave it there awhile. I had the same problem with them and one of the mods turned me onto the stuff for just that reason. Also allow the top couple inches of your soil to dry up. You should be using a moisture probe, and double checking to make certain your roots are not getting set up for root/rot by sitting in wet soil for long stretches.
Again welcome to the site. If you can please do peruse through the site rules, they are few and simple, and help keep this site so cool. We are honored to see new folks arriving all the time. Bring a good sense of Ha-Ha with you, and we will smoke one in your honor.
smoke in peace