This gives me an idea.
I don't usually use cream in my coffee, however...
I think I will saute a few nugs of crumbled-up herb in cream (ok, maybe half-and-half) and then, after cooling/straining, keep it in the fridge and use a few spoon fulls in my morning java instead of smoking a bowl.
iomg i be stoned
and i call friend and talk in diffents accents but it's japanese nowandi go to his appointment and my ca'ts scared of me and now she want to fucke mes look at my eyes.
omg i just saw the post twice but it w as on both pages but now I found out itover here to but now i think and i type slower than i think but I type fast still.
I'm not. I got fired a month and a half ago for failing a UA and I'm now searching for a job, which forces me to remain celibate(so-to-speak). But, for what it's worth, I wish I was blitzed out of my head and playin' my Tele!
wake up, roll over, light the bong. get outta bed, check my babies, eat some grub, light the bong. sit down turn on the tube, light the bong. come to think of it, i do'nt know an activitity, time of day, or event that i don't light the bong for.
I enjoy being high while I am on here.Well I enjoy being High ALL THE TIME.On here ,at home,the store, going to town, etc. you see me and I am not stoned .there must be something wrong.Keep it GREEN:hubba:
WAIT !!! Did someone say welcome to 2005 ?,
Oh my God, I must have been zoned outa my head,
fire up another hoober this is too much to handle. LOL
smoke in peace