Anyone have a panic room?

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Back in 72' I had a buddy who bought a home about 200 years old. It was a old victorian home in the middle of no where. He lived in the house for 2 years and one day me and him were messing around in his dining room and I pushed him through the wall and we discovered a copper slate behind it. I suggested that we ripped the wall up and checked it out...he said no way!
A week later when we were fixing it we found out it was a piece of copper that slides over and there was what looked like a closet door but when we tried to open it wouldent budge. When we got it open there was another door but this one was very heavy and made out of some type of rusted metal.
After a week of excavating we found another room behind the door and we beileve it was a panic room! It was totaly creepy. We found wooden jugs of water and popcorn seeds? We made it in to a grow room,lol.
Really? You and your buddy were just messing around and you put him through a wall? You play rough man...Awesome find BTW...
smokybear said:
Lol. That is hilarious. Sorry my friend. I'm not poking fun at you. It's just a funny thought. Leo busts down your door but you happen to be close to your "panic couch", so you jump into the couch. The police clear the house and don't find you. They find your grow. They find all your personal information laying all over the house. They find your bills with your name on it. Everything that proves that you grew the stuff. You're still laying in your couch hiding. They take all the evidence which could possibly take hours and hours while you're laying in the couch. Lol. Just a funny though. What if they sat down on the couch? Hahahaha. Great stuff. Take care and be safe.
I've really got to stop coming here when I'm drunk! I get into the dumbest arguments... :) :) :)

Lots of Whiskey and that x10 website, and you get these panic room ideas...
:rofl: .....:chuck: .....:argue:.... :bolt:
Ain't it funny how "likker" affects a folk in such a manner>?.. ;)
One of the things to consider is that cops ALWAYS bring puppies to drug busts.

Sniff, sniff, WOOF WOOF

Cop: "What the hell is the dog so interested in that couch for?"

Boss Cop: "Tear it apart."

Oh oh.
Thats why you have a second couch, stuffed entirly with beef flavored milkbones... Excuse me for a second guys, Im going to go forge a 360 billion dollar check...
Fadeux said:
Thats why you have a second couch, stuffed entirly with beef flavored milkbones...

Cop: "Damn dog ate all those milk bones and took a big crap on that other couch. It went all down into the cushions"

Other cop: "Did you just hear a puking sound?"

Hahahaahaha, pretty funny man!
also couch would be the first place a cop would look also under the matress ;)
HydroManiac said:
also couch would be the first place a cop would look also under the matress ;)

Really? The cops first instinct would be "Grow op! A guy must be hiding inside a couch?"
All other comedy aside, I can see the benefit in having a place to stash my plants in case of an emergency. I don't think it'll thwart an actual drug raid; but that's not the usual danger. It'll keep my stash out of the sight of people that may cause the mentioned drug raid to begin with. I know people that are so righteous, they'd feel it was their duty to report me if they found out about my plants. I'm going to have work done in my basement soon, and I'm going to want to hide them for that too. Also, you never know when an officer may knock because of something unrelated. I've had police come to the door for all manner of random things.
i might use that couch idea to get away from my kids...nah, they would find me.
POTUS said:
Cop: "Damn dog ate all those milk bones and took a big crap on that other couch. It went all down into the cushions"

Other cop: "Did you just hear a puking sound?"

Hahahaahaha, pretty funny man!

Hahahahaha!!!! That's awesome. Been a great thread. Take care and be safe. :D :D :D
if you're that paranoid i suggest you read some literature so you know how cops operate and what some people have gotten away with. i recommend "what cops know" by connie fletcher.
Fadeux said:
Morals are TRUE or FALSE. There can be exceptions, but there is no grey area.

There may not be a grey area in your worldview, however infinite combinations and variables can easily make the same thing both true and false, depending on the variables and one's point of view. Didn't you see Empire Strikes Back?
i have a panic room
its also called a walkman
if i get mad paranoia i just listen to 'the piper at the gates of dawn'
visit syds world for a while, we dont worry bout all that stuff there ;)

yippee you cant see me, but i can you :p
GreenMan74 said:
There may not be a grey area in your worldview, however infinite combinations and variables can easily make the same thing both true and false, depending on the variables and one's point of view. Didn't you see Empire Strikes Back?

The grey areas you speak of are just the rationalizations that people tell themselves to justify a choice that would be otherwise immoral. Sometimes its right, sometimes its wrong. For example, murder is wrong, someone is trying to kill you, you kill them, you have commited an immoral act, and have justified it to yourself, and your peers. I wouldn't say you are in the wrong, but it does not make your choice moral.

If i keep this conversation going, im going to end up crosseyed... :)
Fadeux said:
Seems to me one of the easiest things in the world to do would be "Not getting caught growing weed!" .

Are you friggin kidding fadeux???? You must be very young and naive....??

"easiest thing in the world"....

There are so many ways a grower could be busted.......
I mean you lower your chances of being caught if your a smart person, and take all the precautions you can.....but not getting caught is not the easiest thing in the world.
Go do a large grow, indoor or outdoor ( hell why not both since its so easy).....and keeping thinking of all the will be so paranoid soon; you will not still be thinking its " just so easy to not get caught".
Its not that easy , and it takes alot of planning and thought, blood and sweat!!

I think a better statment would of been " the easiest thing in the world to do is, getting busted growing pot"...........Its not that hard to get busted!
Depends on how big the op is, but a person growing a few plants for themselves, seems like it would be incredibly easy to not get caught. Don't tell ANYONE about it EVER, don't sell it, and don't make it known to the outside world.

How are you going to get caught? Sure it takes some planning, but so does a morning shower. What I meant by that is some common sense is all it takes to not get clipped.

In that scenario, what are the threats to your grow? Cause I guess I am naive. Don't know about young, im sure thats a relaitive term. I've always been told 99% of arrests are due to someone opening their mouth, and to me, there is NOTHING easier than NOT telling someone something. You dont even have to think about what you aren't telling them. You could have a room full of plants and grow for your entire life, and no one would know unless you told them. I dont know what state you live in, but no one has every randomly searched my house before.

How many busts do you read about where you can pick out right away, exactly what they did wrong. "That guys an idiot!" Is probably the first thought that crosses your mind. Now, getting the beans, and selling the harvest is a different story. But just growing it? Can't imagine getting busted if you just use a little common sense.

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