When I was in High School, I didnt do one drug, didnt drink...alot lol, and life in high school wasnt bad...gf, no stress, job was easy, car was running.
Then I graduated....broke up with the gf, parents are getting divorced right now, its been a year since they filed...still nothing, car completely died, and I have wicked bad insomnia. I started out with Tylenol Simply Sleep...they didnt work. Then Tylenol PM...thinking...well, there stronger lol, those didnt work. My work was complaining that I was dragging, so I knew there was something I had to do. I went to the doctors, and he gave me pills for my insomnia, and they worked for a week, then that was it...I got 4-5 hours of sleep off a pill a night, then I started getting about 1-2-3 hours of sleep a night...on a PILL!!...when you should be getting like 8-9 hours of sleep off pills.
My brother (who is younger then me lol) had been smoking pot for awhile...he was smoking one night, and I asked if I could try it. Took a few hits, was out like a light. Wasnt even good lol.
So ever since I have been smoking for my insomnia. Depression was a side effect that I had due to all the bullshit in my life, so its kinda helped me. I have been smoking for a year, and it hasnt been that bad for me...I actually sleep, I am not depressed as much anymore.
Only side effect right now...is if I dont smoke, I grow a temper pretty quick....and its not just me...its other people that have the same side effect.
I am pretty much growing for medicinal uses...so I can SLEEP lol.