Thanks for the tip, @Redrum92 . I haven't given res temp a second thought this grow -- the chiller has made that part of the equation a non thought. It was as easy as set and forget! Can't believe I went so long without this point I would consider it an essential part of the set up.Beautiful setup! If you are worried about rez temps, put something white over top and sides of your tubs. Even though it's far from the light and covered by plants, I've found it can actually make a noticeable difference sometimes.
Filters on the A/C, or carbon filter or do the air stones suffer from clogging?I was having issues with my portable AC that was causing the circuit breaker to reset sporadically. I also noticed that my air stones weren't pumping like they should be. This is a friendly reminder to check your filters. Both of my issues were related to clogged filters and everything is resolved after a good cleaning!