Air Curring

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2009
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I am using the "air curring" process from this site. I have one (1) question. What temp. do I want start with? I have it un-vented right now, with a fan circulating air. The room temp is 65. I have one (1) of my best ladies curring in there and I'd love her to be perfect. :hubba: :D Slow and dark for that sweet Indica flavor.That's what I'm shooting for.
I would stick with the jar method myself, that how the majority do it here.

The way ive been doing it is to hang buds for 4-5 days, depending on humidity, until my stem are almost completely dry.

The stem will not snap but is not just be all bendable either, the outside of large buds will seem very dry.

Then into jars for about 12 hours at that time I open them and feel to see if they seem dry or damp, if damp I remove them and lay them out for a hour or 2 till the outside seems dry, then back into jars and seal for a few more hours.

Once they no longer have any dampness but yet some dankness I leave them jarred for a day then open them and check again , if they seem dry I will just burp the jar.

Once im convinced they are dry enough not to mold but not bone dry either IMO I leave them jarred for a week without opening, then check them to be sure there dry enough for the final jarring where i do not open them again for several weeks to a month or more.

Its made some tsty smoke.
The place where you "hang buds" ,GROWDUDE.What the temp in that room???That's what I'm looking for.I have 3 plants in that room that I'm wantin' perfect CURE. Slow Dry. Without and mold. What's the safe room temp to dry slow?
Mine is just an up stairs bed room , prob runs 65-70f
Ok,...What's the coolest temp that i could run with and be safe from "mold"??

I'm wanting the slow,dry and dark.. method. End product,that perfect organic bud with the look, smell, taste, and high that every body's looking for.I'll post pic's when dry. I just went and measured my biggest bud. The circumference came in at 8 1/2 in. Untrimed,they are 3 1/2 mos. old.

I'm going to try 60 65 and see how that goes.
its about 55 or 60 where i dry mine...i just have a fan to move the air around and it seemes to be working well enough
ftw2012,yep 55 to 65 is what I used. Very cool dark room. air coming in and air sucking out with a fan turning the air. Twice a day I would bring up the room temp to 70 75 for around 10 min. to drop humidity, and them right back down to 55 60. All together it's 9 day so far.. The smoke is really smooth and mellow. No harshness. I am very pleased with the end product,and thanks for everyones help this season. Peace out
FUM said:
All together it's 9 day so far.. The smoke is really smooth and mellow. No harshness. I am very pleased with the end product,and thanks for everyones help this season. Peace out

Im glad your happy with the smoke but you really should try some cured weed.

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