The Hemp Goddess
It looks like a nanner in the fourth picture? Can we get a better pic? If it is a boy, you are going to want to get him out of there.
They actually look quite healthy accept for the little bit of nute burn. That is the problem with typical "potting soil" or prenuted soils. MJ is a very need specific plant. It has its own favorite nutrient needs that gets missed by soils that have "extended nutrients" or built in fertilizers (aka prenuted). Too often the soils have too much of stuff that MJ doesn't want or needs very little, and too little of the nutrients that MJ wants in larger quantities. That is why we always recommend that people not use these soils. It is very possible to use these soils with success, but unless you are a very experienced grower, they can cause you a lot of grief.
That said, I would suggest that you leave them as they are since they seem to be doing well. The nute burn should work itself out as the plants deplete some of the "hotter" nutrients. Just be careful feeding and watering. You should get a pH pen and make sure that the water you give them is at the right pH for them. I would also suggest that you not feed them anything as they are getting all they need from the soil at the moment. If the tip burn continues to progress and get worse, let us know as you may need to "flush the soil to remove some of the nutrients in it to stop further leaf burn. We can help you with this if it becomes necessary.
You need to understand that this is not an organic setup but rather a synthetic nutrient in organic medium setup. If you have any experience with growing house plants or gardening, file it in your brain under "not applicable for growing MJ".
You will need to get some nutrients for feeding the plants as they grow and use up the available nutrients in the soil. The nutes that is in the soil now may be enough to take you to the end of the veg phase but then when you switch to flowering phase, you will need to begin feeding them with nutrients that are specifically formulated for MJ. I would recommend that you get Flora micro and Flora bloom from General Hydroponics for this. You can find it at any local hydroponics/organics grow store in your area, or you can order it on Amazon and have it delivered right to your house (no problem with legal issues).
The Flora is a 3 part nutrient that works very well with MJ. If you continue to use the soil that you have now, you will not need the "grow" part of the Flora as the grow is for vegging plants. It will be very important to have the pH pen and pH adjuster fluids so that you can maintain a proper pH as this is critical for the life of MJ. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.
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