Hello there, i not been around much looks like you made the switch then.
I'd of put more coco in personally, not all way to top but not far off, the coco seems to shrink over time especially if you let it dry out.
Nutes sounds right to me, mine easily handle same dose at that size, but then again mines a different strain.
Mine sometimes look a bit annoyed for a few days after transplant, if yours do just keep feeding them as you do and they should be fine.
How often are you planning to feed? Are you going to feed with run off every time? Best advice is to do but i only feed enough to get good run off once a week.
I test the ph of that run off and its never got above 5.9.
I know that my pots hold 2 litres of feed before i get run off so they get 2 litres 6 days a week and then 3+ litres 1 day.
Like i said best advice is feed
with run off every time but when you got a few on go that gets expensive fast lol
O yeah best tip if you dont already then buy the canna A/B in 10 L bottles they only £30 ish and will last ages.
Saves you a fortune in long run.
No Rhizotonic or Cannazym?
I use a root stim for first few weeks or just after re-poting and results on the second veg round were quicker ( although not always healthy, hmmm ) growing plants, i've got 6 that i been vegging waiting for the others to finish and they nearly 3ft already, they are going to be huge man and there all multiple cola plants twill be a sight to behold for sure lol.
Not using cannazym as yet but i intend on.