2nd Try. New Hydro system

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I was planing to change my nutrient solution every ten days and raising my ppms up 300 every change. I am wondering if it would be better to change it every 5 days and raise it 150...( or even 175)? Like to try this..but I dont want to burn my girls! Any Thoughts?..........Toke it
So the girls look like they love the new home. The only problem with the new system is I'm getting nutrient from the drip ring splashed up on the leaves. Any sugestions on how to stop that? I put in a question in my last post but didnt get any responce so I'm gonna try something new. Change the nutrient solution every 4 days increaseing the ppms buy 150 each time. I want to see if by going in smaller jumps in ppm , if I can end up with a higher ppm amount at the end of flowering without burning my girls. Any way here are some pics of some of the girls..........Toke it:watchplant:

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itsfournineteengotaminuit said:
So the girls look like they love the new home. The only problem with the new system is I'm getting nutrient from the drip ring splashed up on the leaves. Any sugestions on how to stop that? I put in a question in my last post but didnt get any responce so I'm gonna try something new. Change the nutrient solution every 4 days increaseing the ppms buy 150 each time. I want to see if by going in smaller jumps in ppm , if I can end up with a higher ppm amount at the end of flowering without burning my girls. Any way here are some pics of some of the girls..........Toke it:watchplant:

Heap up the hydroton around the ring or bury it if you can to eliminate splashing
hello hello boyz! I was waitin 4 someone to talk about the waterfarm!! I got some pics thatll make ur jaw drop. I know mine did, still does. Anyway I'm currently using one of theses and it is by far the most productive grow I've ever had. INSANE. Its my first one, I vegged for 11 days and have been in bud for less than a month. I now have over 4 feet tall plants with large swelling buds that are showing no signs of slowing and have a month to go at least. I use DNF two part Grow, Bcuzz Veg, and VitaMaxPlus during 18hr cycle. And I use this mix for the first week of the 12on12off cycle. Then its the DNF(dutch nutrition formula)two part Bloom, Bcuzz Bloom, and Carboload. I keep my PH just under 6 and above 5.5. Because the water has to pass through those drip rings you want to be sure your mix doesnt cause build up and block these holes. H2o2 is great when using this system because it keeps algae in check that would otherwise form on the inside of these buckets and the resevoir. Theres a few kinks to work out with cleaning and completely emptying the buckets but once you get it, Amazing Results. I'm definately getting another one. But I do agree that a circular shaped bucket would be much more ideal. By the way I also grow from clone not seed. So I imagine my growth would be a little more rapid than from seed.
nice looking set up u got there, how u likeing it ?,just wondering as im looking to do hydro myself,
looking forward to seeing them ladies grow.! and grow !:tokie:
plus im borrowing tips from the estbeablished growers before i start :D

:woohoo: :woohoo:
hey man i use the same set to u can check my water farm out under grow journals,,,,tom toms godzila grow ,,,,lol im just a little ahead of u so ill be lookin on urs mabey u can check mine out and give me some pointers 2 i just staRTD 1/2 nutes 3 nites ago and it has took off like its crazy lol ,,good luck bro

OK so got the lights a little lower and the girls are just taking off. OK I want to get everybodies opinion on nutrients. PLease let me know what kind you use and how much. also put in if you use any bloom enhancers. Im sorts new at this so try to keep it simple for me please....thanks...TOKE IT:watchplant:

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Looks great so far! as I PM'd you GH floranova is a a one part nute and works great and is super easy.
But the GH 3part nutes are also great
Well bro....I soked my grow cubes in a solution of Superthrive, and General Hydroponic's MaxiGro, (10-5-14), when I first sprouted my seeds. Once they grew a few inches and the roots were strong enough, ( about 2 weeks after sprouting), I put Flora Nova one-part GROW plant food, 7-4-10. When I want to flower them I use Flora Nova one-part BLOOM plant food, 4-8-7. These nutes came with the hydro system that I bought, and they work pretty good. I usually start out with 1/4 strength for about a week or two, then 1/2 strength for another 2 weeks, and so on until I get up to full strength. If I start to notice discoloration in my leaves then I back it down again and slowly increase them after a few weeks. So far so good.
OK so I have a little nutrient burn going on. I have already dumped everything and I am flushing with just water. I have a qestion I just ajust up to 3/4 strength on the nutrients, is droping back to half far enough? Im gonna flush them for 24 hours before putting anything back in. Well here are the pics of some of them............Toke it.12 11 07 001.jpg

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OK everybody..think I got the nutrient burn under control. Some from the nutrients being to high and some of the burn came from drops from the drip ring staying on the leaves and burning them. But they are back healthy and happy looking I think..Gonaa start to flower soon.Thinking about another 4 days. I have them on 18/6 now. Tepmrature in the tent has been about 65 to 75 and the RH is at about 65%. Here are some pics...Toke it:watchplant:

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I have been using the GH 3 part for more years than I care to mention...they always worked great...At 1st I followed the chart from makers, Now for the past 5-6 years, I use the Lucas Formula and am even more delighted...keep the ph at 5.5-5.8 and the ppm to around 800...forget the grow component, use 8 ml micro and 16 ml bloom in a gallon of distilled water...that's all there is to it..
OK sorry so long since update...been busy( holidays and all). Got some pics for ya. two weeks into flower and they are happy..let me know of any suggestions or questions.............Toke it


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