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sweetnug said:
Why do so many people on this site see plants that are below mediocore and say "Great looking grow". Even some really horrible grows I have seen many users say wow thats great when they really ****!!! Get real folks this is a site to educate is its wrong don't mince words. Tell them what they need to do rather than say oh thats great.:rolleyes:

Perhaps they see the potential. Perhaps they guage from the questions what level a grower someone is, and think it is a great looking grow for that stage.

I second TBG's question, what is the point of this thread? You want everyone to get behind you and start going around tearing into grow journals?

I think everyone is eagerly awaiting your response to this thread, you have a lot of your credibility riding on it.
Sometimes when an egg cracks, it only takes time until it splits open and dribbles out to the floor.
KingKahuuna said:
Your second thought might be screw them all, but I hope not.
Instead join the ranks of those of us that have done or said something goofy, and we'll move on together.:fly:
pretty sure this is exactly correct! why do i love everythinng this man says??;)

THCPezDispenser said:
Perhaps they see the potential. Perhaps they guage from the questions what level a grower someone is.

I second TBG's question, what is the point of this thread? You want everyone to get behind you and start going around tearing into grow journals?

I think everyone is eagerly awaiting your response to this thread, you have a lot of your credibility riding on it.

he's true on every question.. have anything to say??
mom got a grip of sweetnugs nasty pm's:shocked: :holysheep: :eek:
Mutt said:
We like to handle these things behind the scenes that way it doesn't disrupt our pleasant stoner community. :D

is that a pleasant stoner community, or pleasantly stoned community, or pleasant community of stoners, or cummunity of pleasant stoners???:hitchair: :p
Hick said:
You're an idiot and should be banned.
Hick, I hate the way you sugarcoat everything...

Sweetnug, you don't want to be known as Sournug...Hey we all screw up as I have many times...
Just say "hey I guess I was on the wrong track...I'm sorry" and we all move on.
The essence of Life isn't about how great you are at not making mistakes, it's about how you handle the mistakes you make...

PS (Hick I hope you know that was a joke...I'm nervous now!!!) :D
Sweetnug, you don't want to be known as Sournug
You called him SOURNUG :rofl: I dont care who you are that :holysheep: funny right there. HAHAHAHA

Thats the country boy in him. :rofl:
Git er dun. ;)
Ain't that the truth..Git er dun:aok:

When it comes down to it.Dont sweat the piety stuff,Pet the sweaty stuff.Keep it GREEN:D
I think sweetnug rode his high horse right back under his rock.
Wow, so many great responses to this thread that I can't even come up with my own.

All I can say is that threads like this one is the biggest reason why I left the last site I belonged to. 99% of us are here to help and learn, not to discourage, flame and be mean-spirited.
Wow I really think that got out of hand. I wasn't being a d***, I have just seen many threads that steer people in the wrong direction that will only lead to not want to grow. I want nothing but people to be well informed. Sorry for any offenses that were taken. I have never given ANYONE negative advice or discouraging advice only helpful advice. I don't post pics because I live in the US and I take extra precautions. And to Hick, sorry I am an idiot and I may change my name to sournug that is good haha.
umm yes you are being a dik and i posted some of those heart touching PM's but they were removed, i guess some others received them to. All I need to say to you is stop sending them to me. I dont need to hear any of your information. Pics are proof and you dont have any proof:ignore: Im sure you can grow some bomb hydro, i guess havent seen anything. You need to stop these personal insults outta blue sky. Im just floored what you have said and all i ask is you to stop. please:confused:

and peoples grows differ, some grow with cfl's (sorry) but i dont think its possible to flower any smokable bud, of the quality but i smoke. But peoples grows look great, we dont say that if its ugly and dying, they just dont get much attention, but if we consider it a good job, theres no hurt in saying it. Start from the beginning of the thred and read what the grow has and doesnt, dont determine the growers capability to grow good bud or not, just by the picture, cus im sure every one can grow some dank cus shijjt its a weed. Its just what theyre using, genetics is the most part,. All u can do is suggest your help, not :hitchair:
Pics are proof for the wrong people to see. I lay very low and take minimal chances, too much to lose. I don't care if you don't listen to me thats cool, people who do will benefit. Thanks :cool:
holy chit!... I'm surprised you can even still walk upright with that log (not chip) on your shoulder...

this brings to mind a memory of a saying...

if you don't have anything nice to say... then keep your big FKN mouth shut!

rant's done....
Temper temper man. You should really chill nothing was pointed at you. And that 'log' seems pretty damn lite, I can take opinions. I figured that thread would be hated on when I wrote it, just thought people would take it a little different.
:huh: so why did you post it. its not like your more likey to get caught
beacsue you have posted pics, pics arnt going to get you caught, your presence here would be the only thing to get you caught pics or not, i guess mr decreet, minimal chance taken man takes chances posting on here :ignore: its safe here, and if they wanna catch you, they'll do it pic or not.
group hug. ok, now hopefully ALL rants are done with, we can move on. for not posting pics i can understand, as well as everyone here. for the pm's, i got hope they wont go on any further. argueing on this should be done...all family's fight, but they HOPEFULLY learn from it AND get stronger by understanding where everyone's coming from. nug, sweet or sour...hell maybe even a little fruity...that reminds me, what ya'll think of a cross between carmaliscious x blueberry female laid by a white widow male? i might have some pics sometime...i'm hoping :hubba:

on the other hand, i'm stoned and forgot what i was gonna say soooooo g'nity all, this old hillbilly's passing outtttttttttttt
exactly!... if you are so concerned about 'flying below the radar'... why the Hell are you even ASSOCIATING with us potheads? ? ?

this is a site for ADULTS, you do realize, eh?... the only time I see an attitude like yours is coming from a CHILD or an immature adult-wannabee...

I've had enough negativity for today... I'm going to bed.
Come on man I was not trying to make anyone mad! At all! I have seen posts where someones question was answered wrong and if they do what they were told id would not help them. I posted it to see if anyone else thought the same. Not too get in a fight, but to see if I was alone on that idea. Looks like I am. I have never give anyone advice that I was not 100% sure was correct due to personal experience. That would lead them down the wrong path if I were, and thats not my goal here. I love to grow and have been doing it a long time and want to share knowledge. Of course you are more likely to get caught with pics, without pics authorities can only assume. I can say I grow tomatoes with no pics, thats the smoking gun, believe it or not. I am not trying to create enemies, just the opposite actually. I love this sight just want everyone to be on the same page.
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