Hello everyone ! PP has a slight problem i am hoping you guys and gals can offer some help here ! my seeds have popped and are all up i unfortunatly i have no info of what they are ! (bagseed is it ) i'll be heading out to my spot on thursday or friday coming ! i will be gravity feeding from 5 x 5 gall water storage bags =100 ltrs ..i currently have an automatic timer set to feed 300mls = a cup and a bit ! to each seedling per day for 3 weeks.. Q=is this a wise idea !! they are in 9 ltr pots + compost ,organic soil , dolimite lime , 30 % perlite with blood and bone and worm poo added to the compost 9 weeks ago ! the temps are at 22-25 cel 73-78 f during daylight hours and overnight temps will range between 6-10 cel 43-50 f in june and july ..daylight hours will drop to 10 1/2 hrs of daylight with 11 1/2 visible hrs... And in august the days will start to get longer some thing like 12 1/4 visible and 11 1/4 daylight ! all of these plants will be under mesh barricade hats @ 1 1/2 ft tall with clear plastic covers to protect from a possible frost ! then covered with green string type net for stealth given that i have 2 months from today untill the days get longer do you think or know if these plants will go to flower early with the info provided and do you think that water schedule is appropriate for the next 3 weeks they all have 1 set of leaves ! Thanx heaps for your help ! pics will follow in a month or so when i get it all sorted out and get the camera options worked out ! Peace ! Take Care ! PP !