well heres an update finally, been pretty busy lately. well inspite of my hard efforts i had a little situation arise the other day, scared the hell out of me.
It was late saturday night, around 3 in the morning, i hear a car pull up out front thinking it was somebody dropping of mail to the mailbox out front like usual, then i hear footsteps crunching in the snow coming up my drive way, i start to wonder what the hell, whos at my house this late? so i peak out the window and what do i see and sheriff walking down my drive way toward the steps to my house, so i run into the kitchen and look out that window there he is walking through my back yard. he then turns around and walks back through my drive way towards his car and another sheriff pulls up only this time in a truck, im thinking OMG IM GETTING RAIDED JUST WAIT FOR A FEW MORE TO SHOW UP. so i panic cut down my 3 plants that are near harvest and stuff them in a garbage bag then proceed to anchor them down on my roof, take my light down and put it back in the box and tape it up and stick under the x-mas tree already up in my living room, tear down all the panda paper and everything else, take the 2 still early blooming girls and stick them in a box and cover it with a black garbage bag and put it out on the roof. then i scramble back into my room and peak back out the window and there gone. Come to find out there was a fight then a hit and run down at the bar and the suspect ran on foot through my back yard. so i did all that for nothing. although i only cut them down 2 weeks early it still turned out good and as u can see from the pics i still have 2 blooming beauties.
Fire it up