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  1. H

    desk lamp

    idk it doesnt say what kind of lamp it is, i will read more stuff, i just dont know how to grow indoor yet cuz im used to outdoor
  2. H

    desk lamp

    can a regular desk lamp that is 40 watts be good for sprouting? i got two seeds and just finished germing them and i put them in a medium. is everything going good so far?
  3. H

    when will i know

    there are little crystals on the two leaves maybe they are little hairs or something i cant really tell i dont have a magnifying glass or anything
  4. H

    when will i know

    when it is male or female, i planted in like 8 days ago and it has hella crystals and stuff all over it and there are two leaves off the top of it and some wierd spiky thing in the middle of the two leaves does that mean its female??
  5. H

    is this looking good?

    haha thanks you guys, i cant wait :)
  6. H

    is this looking good?

    i took the shell off and there are two little leaves of the sides and some wierd little thing that looks like a spikey ball between the two leaves
  7. H

    is this looking good?

    yeah the shell is still on it I will try to take it off. When will I know if its male or female
  8. H

    is this looking good?

    it is a seed i found in a sack and i germinated it indoors in the paper towel. planted it on may 12 at like 3pm. its like 4 or 5 inches. anything i should start doin to it?