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  1. S

    Havent had a post in a long time but heres something I started beginning of May.

    Top node, WHITE HAIRS Yayyyyyyyyyyy! :holysheep:
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    Havent had a post in a long time but heres something I started beginning of May.

    just bagseed midgrades for some trial and error action to learn how things go. Still dont know if its male or female but im pretty sure I see some female preflowers on one of them already..its been about 37 days now.. Flushing I just used tap water like 2.5-3 gallons or so Id dump some in let...
  3. S

    Havent had a post in a long time but heres something I started beginning of May.

    I started the timer today lets see if I figured it out correctly..should be going off within the hour...I did it wrong and it never went off so this is the 2nd attempt..
  4. S

    Havent had a post in a long time but heres something I started beginning of May.

    Day 32 here in the first few pics...and the smaller ones at the end are from May 26 just to show the size comparison from then to now (June 10) Size of grow area: 1.5 x 2 ft Lighting: 1 70 watt HPS Soil: Miracle grow time release/compost mixture (had to flush quite a bit a first) Food...
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    A 1st time growing experience.

    moving it to the grow journal
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    A 1st time growing experience.

    Pictures: Also this link has a few photos of the plants from 1 day ago including a picture of the bagweed it was taken from. (good skunky midgrades)
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    A 1st time growing experience.

    Hello everybody, I've been an avid reader of the forums, any guides I can find and have always wanted to get a little hands on experience. I germinated some bagseed mids and ended up with 2 strong seedlings. I put them into 2 liter cutout bottles with some medium I found outside in the woods...
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    1-2 Plant odor question.

    Thanks guys! The strain is unknown its just a Midgrade bagseed. The bag it came from was semi skunky in smell and had allot of purplish tints to it. Im thinking a type of outdoor grown sativa but Im prob. wrong. Here is a pic of the stuff.
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    1-2 Plant odor question.

    Yes I actually happened to stumble upon the sticky post about odor elimination and figure I might as well try something simple like the dryer sheets. I will post some pics of the setup soon.
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    Frigid Woman grow

    Veddy nice! :D
  11. S

    1-2 Plant odor question.

    hello everybody, this is my first post here. I currently have 2 plants vegging in a roughly 2 x 2 area with a 70 watt HPS. Im using a growing medium I found outside that consists of a few years of compost/leaves/soil all mixed up. Not exactly sure whats in it but after 1 week the plants are...