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  1. george goff

    first time grower

    good morning everybody, i have a question, when should i trim? according to what ive read its when the plants have 6 to 8 nodes, and are healthy. im attaching pictures of 5 of my plants that meet that criteria, please let me know what you think, thanks george P.S. their 39 days old and vary in...
  2. george goff

    first time grower

    new pictures to look at LOL no their not porn LOL
  3. george goff

    first time grower

    just did a soil slurry test, ph is 5.2 across all my plants, from what ive read it needs to be higher, can i use baking soda? or should i use lime? thanks
  4. george goff

    first time grower

    im using a 50/50 mix of fox farms and coco, i probably water too much, every 2 to 3 days i water till it come out the bottom of the pots, i have ten plants and use about 5 gallons of water, water meter readings in several places of each plant says anywhere from 18 to 25%
  5. george goff

    first time grower

    thanks, i'm probably over worrying about this, it's a fault i gained working at the hospital over seeing a 4 yr renovation, where if i missed something it could possibly kill a patient, most stressful 4 yrs in my life.
  6. george goff

    first time grower

    who me, get worked up, not a problem, just running off at the mouth, checked ingredients on the vivosun, supposedly it has them, but sometimes companies lie, LOL
  7. george goff

    first time grower

    wanna see my picture on the cover of rolling stone, LOL
  8. george goff

    first time grower

    i watered plants last night with 6.5 ph water and checked this morning, runoff was 7.0 ph, ec was 1.65, i.m attaching photos, looks like one or more plants have more yellow leafs, (just shoot me and put me out of this misery ) ROTFL, LMAO, LOL
  9. george goff

    first time grower

    going food shopping today, gonna pick up the distilled water to do slurry test, see what the results are later today
  10. george goff

    first time grower

    using osmosis water, adjusted to 6.0 ph,
  11. george goff

    first time grower

    ph of runoff is 6.0, ec is 1.72 (last checked yesterday)
  12. george goff

    first time grower

    bought mine from pacific seeds, i went by what i read about them. next time ill probably buy from somebody different, as for now just looking to make it to harvest.
  13. george goff

    first time grower

    thank you
  14. george goff

    first time grower

    LOL, if i knew what i was doing i wouldnt be posting here ROTFL
  15. george goff

    first time grower

    actually no experience growing anything LOL, but i used to work at a hospital as dept head running maintenance dept and had to be careful everything was done right the first time, so i researched everything for 2 months before i bought anything, i didnt want to make any mistakes because seeds...
  16. george goff

    first time grower

    2 ozs of mixed solution every 4 days. the ec of the mixture is .80, ec levels in plants runs between .18 (lowest) to .28 (highest), runoff water tests around 1.85 and 2.50
  17. george goff

    first time grower

    vivosun , mixed 5 ml to a gallon of water, parts a and b
  18. george goff

    first time grower

    hi, everybody, just want to give some backround info first. im 77yrs old and my son has glaucoma and spends a small fortune at the medical dispensary , so i decided to learn how to grow. i planted 10 seeds on 08/01/24, lime purple mist and sour ape, i have a 8x8 tent (2 430 watt led lights) and...