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  1. B

    Compost Tea Amounts

    Thanks for the replies! I should clarify, there isn't compost in this mix. There are earth juice products with worm castings. Since its just earth juice being bubbled, i'm basically feeding like i normally would with a commercial product. 2 gallons just doesn't sound like enough to me, but...
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    Compost Tea Amounts

    Hi Guys!!! How much tea are you guys usually giving per plant (100-200gal smart pots?) I've been giving around 2 gallons a week of this mix, and feel like maybe it isn't enough. Do you guys give more a less a week? Here is the mix I am using bubbled for 36 hours: 1. E.worm castings:1/2 cup...
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    Earth Juice Tea

    Thanks for the reply! no pictures yet, but they are roughly 3.5-4 feet :joint4:
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    Earth Juice Tea

    Hi Everyone!! Have decided to go all organic on an outdoor grow, and man, I haven't been disappointed! I've been giving two gallons of this mix each week to the plants (in 100 gallon smart pots): Earth Juice Originals + Earth Worm Castings-TS 1. E.worm castings:1/2 cup 2. Earth Juice Grow...
  5. B

    Scared of pH?

    Hi Guys!! I've been thinking about switching to Sugar Peak nutrients and I keep seeing this reoccurring suggestion on the label stating, "Recommended pH Range: 5.4-6.5. Do not let the pH exceed 6.8." I've always tried to keep the pH of my feeds going into soil at 6.2-6.5. These...
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    Red Stems? Iron?

    Found the little bastards and the adults flying around :/ five and half weeks into flower, going with mosquito dunks and Diatomaceous Earth with watering.
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    Red Stems? Iron?

    Thanks for all the replies!! I really appreciate it. Some of my plants are showing the same symptoms and have a pH of 6.5ish. Did some research again on the internet, and came across pictures of Root Aphid Damage. Does this damage look similar to Root Aphid damage? Knat...
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    Red Stems? Iron?

    pH'd some of my R/O water to 6.5. Watered plant in the picture and collected run off. pH was 6.0. I'm assuming the pH of the soil is getting acidic/building up with salts etc due to the drop in pH. I'm thinking I'll flush and add some cal-mag with as a feeding. Sound like a good idea?
  9. B

    Red Stems? Iron?

    I will check pH of the soil in the next day or two to make sure, but it has always been around 6.5. Does it look more like under feeding to anyone?
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    Red Stems? Iron?

    Here are the recent pics from today
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    Red Stems? Iron?

    Well I bought the heater and have it geared in around 70F at night and fed last Monday with: 1tsp of Earth Juice seablast bloom 1/8th tsp of earth juice bloom master. Leafs are still looking funky, looks like phosphorus to me! What do you guys think?
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    Red Stems? Iron?

    Should I invest in a little space heater to raise the temps when the lights are off?
  13. B

    Red Stems? Iron?

    Thanks for the responses. Lyfespan: Are you saying I have too much Phosphorus accumulated?
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    Red Stems? Iron?

    Label on bottle states: Constant feed (every watering): 1/8tsp is mild, 1/4 is medium, 1/2 is strong. These plants are pretty big, were under 400 watt MH for 3 weeks on 18/6. Need to up my feeding rates? 1/2tsp usually gets my r/o water right to 6.4-6.5 pH.
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    Red Stems? Iron?

    Hi All! Been noticing plants in the flowering room with red stems. Pretty weird, because the stems are bright red on top, and green on the bottom! Seems to be affecting plants that are closer to the light. Could this be the issue? Also, it seems like it is appearing on new growth vs old...
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    Hard Water

    Hi All! I bought a R/O 4 stage filter and this is what I'm finding: Tap Water: 135ppm 7.4pH R/O Water: 17ppm 8.3pH Is the pH suppose to rise almost a point with the filtered water? Thanks! Big
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    Hard Water

    Thanks for all the replies, I really appreciate it!! I plan on adding cal/mag with every feeding or close to it. I broke down and bought a $60 aquarium R/O filter. I didn't feel like risking it anymore. Has anybody experienced their pH dropping after filtering?
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    Hard Water

    It seems to be a magnesium deficiency...yellowing, with necrotic spots, looks exactly like the pictures online) pH is always right on the money, and I have hard water. Should I be flushing more? Can it be a phosphorus and magnesium deficiency from the hard water/calcium tying it up? Medium...
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    Hard Water

    Hi All!! Starting a new grow and want to bounce a couple ideas of you guys! It seems like my grows always start to have issues about 5 weeks into flowering. It looks like the plants get locked out and have deficiencies, but I have bumped up my nutrients in the past (still pH is...