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  1. C

    Cloning question

    Haha, no none of my friends know anyone who grows or cultivates. They recieve their stash from a distributor. I think I'll just keep a male and make some seeds. Thanks
  2. C

    Cloning question

    Thanks for your reply. I was actually hoping to keep the plants really small, like six inches or under. The reason being is that I have no real place to keep the plants during the year since I'm away at school, and can't keep a dozen three feet monsters in my college dorm room :hubba: If theres...
  3. C

    Cloning question

    Hey everyone, I am planning on my first season of cultivation this summer. I have read extensively on the subject of outdoor cultivation for the past two years so I think I'll be ready this year to give it a try. My only concern is that after the season is over, I'd prefer to make some clones...