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  1. FieldsofOH

    My HGS seeds.

    Under closer review...I found mutations on all my plants. Male sacs were very small, on the lower branches, look to have released a week or two after pollenation from my male BB (think that was week 3 or 4 when I pollenated). So my seeds are a mix match of who knows what. One good thing the...
  2. FieldsofOH

    Jock and Aurora

    The Jock Horror from Nirvana...seems to need a little longer on veg time. Plant seem to grow faster than the roots. Mine, little more than doubled in size in flower. Took a long time to finish. But was really worth the wait... Happy Growing! Peace.
  3. FieldsofOH

    NL x Big Bud - First grow

    If you decide to use the paper towel sure to wash your hands before touching the towel. I have had some recent germenations adventures go south. Made it look like a petri dish. I think I'm staying away from the paper towel method all together. I've just been cracking them in water...
  4. FieldsofOH

    Is MP a more civilized community?

    I feel there are a few "Civilized" forums out there... And I love to visit them. Its the worlds' "Cannabis Culture" in motion. I like to see the different growing techniques and strains. The more we can all band together the more we can acomplish... Peace.
  5. FieldsofOH

    high grade seeds ww, 100% hermie rate

    I agree. I am curious if the "Rodelization Method" produces 100% female with the least tendency to hermi? Peace.
  6. FieldsofOH

    high grade seeds ww, 100% hermie rate

    I did post my own short review in this forum :) Peace.
  7. FieldsofOH

    high grade seeds ww, 100% hermie rate

    I'm not allowed yet...I need to get busy posting...
  8. FieldsofOH

    high grade seeds ww, 100% hermie rate

    Funny...we just happen to have a similar conversation going on my home site. Seems like a lot bashing of the highgrade-seeds company, going on??? Peace.
  9. FieldsofOH


    Thanks for the warm welcome! So far I've enjoyed flipping through your forums. Some good stuff in here... :) Peace.
  10. FieldsofOH

    My HGS seeds.

    I'm having a good experience with Highgrade-seeds Here are some 8 weeks pics of his BlueBerry and WhiteWidow. The BlueBerry is a very mellow smoke, very flavorfull, and was easy to grow. The WhiteWidow is a very up buzz and long lasting, very good smoke :D It too was very easy to grow...
  11. FieldsofOH

    World's oldest stash of marijuana found in China

    Ottawa, Nov 29 : A team of researchers has claimed to have located the world's oldest stash of marijuana, in a tomb in a remote part of China, dating back to 2,700 years. According to a report by the Canadian Press, the 789 grams of dried cannabis was buried alongside a light-haired, blue-eyed...
  12. FieldsofOH


    Hello from Ohio... :woohoo: Looks like you have a large forum for me to absorb! Happy Growing! Peace.