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  1. D

    leaves curling up please help

    My pH at 6.5
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    leaves curling up please help

    Fox Farm Soil Room Temperature 68-74 RH- 55 % 1000 watts 36 inches from the top I use 3 parts micro, grow , bloom They were fine until last week, please help me fix this.
  3. D

    Drying questions?

    ohhhhh i got it now thank you so going to try it .
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    Drying questions?

    Hey Andy, what is the dryer? lol sorry I'm a newbie. What do you use to dry it? and about burping means I open the jars once in awhile and then close it again?
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    Drying questions?

    Hey guys, I have questions about drying... What's the best temperature and humid should be at when i'm drying my bud. Should I turn off all my venting too? I also heard too much humid will make mold. How do I keep humid low? Any suggestion would be very helpful. Thank you in advance =)
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    First timer. Can you guys please help(have pics)

    Ok, thank you everyone for advice..i'll keep on reading and do research.. it just I'm very paranoid because is my first time, I don't want to waste time and effort( can't afford another 3 months =(. I'll post when I harvest and let you guys know it go.. =)
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    First timer. Can you guys please help(have pics)

    How often should I feed. I understand PH but i don't know what's the correct PPM should be at? is it important to have PPM meter?
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    First timer. Can you guys please help(have pics)

    Hi, everyone I'm doing Jack Herer and this is my 6th weeks into flowering. It was looking perfectly fine during the first 3 weeks of flowering. However, on the 4th weeks it started turning yellow so I thought I could take care of it but I tried everything it still does not work. I asked help...
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    I'm new

    Thank you everyone... =)
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    I'm new

    Just wanted to say hi to everyone. love this website!! I'm from norcal and I'm a newbie and learning.. =)