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  1. F

    first grow.. all assistance is much welcome :)

    I to would be carefull about using mg. I stay away from anything that says "time release". Especially when you go to flower and your watering picks up usually causes those "time release" crap to release all at once. But anyways good luck
  2. F

    Former smugglers now legit at medical pot convention

    Yeah but if it weren't for our mj laws those ex felons would have never been able to rake in 16m a year running herbs into the country. Someones got to do it the U.S. don't grow enough herbs to keep our lungs full of smoke all the time (thank you canada). Now if it were legal and taxed think...
  3. F

    Help Please!!

    18in sounds like a good start flaboy. Is your light aircooled? I found with my 400w i was able to keep it closer when i set up the aircooled hood. Either way though if it's too hot on your hand then it needs to go up. Goodluck with your grow peace out
  4. F

    traggedy in the tent

    One last question on the hps side there's a cylindrical object without the "doorway" over it that has some cracking on the plastic insulation they poured over top is that the "bulging capacitor?" thanks again
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    traggedy in the tent

    Ok so i took apart the ballast last night and plugged it in with the top off to listen. I could hear the ticking coming from a big cylindrical object with a square "doorcase" for lack of a better description. There's a plastic like covering that they put over top of everything, after scraping...
  6. F

    Resin Used

    I've smoked resin many times before and it seems to me the only "effect" is a headache and maybe some lightheadedness. I don't think that there's crap for thc in resin but to each their own we've all smoked it before.
  7. F

    Prohibition Fails to Reduce Teen Marijuana Use

    Exactly I smoked herb when i was to young in school but getting beer and smokes was almost impossible.
  8. F

    OLD horse poo....

    You want to use the oldest stuff possible something that has started to break down and compost. Possibly some of the topsoil under the old ****. Also if your local soil is clayey then imho just go get yourself some promix. You can't just add horse crap to clay and grow good herbs you need to...
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    traggedy in the tent

    Thanks flaboy i understand constructive critizism I said friend cause it's complicated. I know it's definately best to keep it between you and the plants but it just can't be this time. We have an understanding it's at his place and he gives them water and keeps an eye on them but i'm the one...
  10. F

    first shot at outdoors in 20 years.... help :)

    Hey ta2dguy, just a thought you ever think of just mixing your own soil up? You don't have to be an expert there's alot of good writeups here on it. I would suggest starting with some promix and adding stuff to it such as worm castings, bat guano, bone and blood meal, maybe some nice fresh...
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    Interesting theorys thc regulator. I do know one thing for sure though you just can't beat cronic outdoor herbs, got to love the sun.
  12. F

    traggedy in the tent

    Thanks so much jmansweed I was hoping for some good news like that. I'm going to check first and see if it's under warrenty before i take it apart (it still has the tape over it and voids the warrenty if it's not there). flaboy not to sure on what your saying, loose lips? My "friend" is...
  13. F

    traggedy in the tent

    Hey all so i have my tent all set up and i was getting some mothers all ready for the summer season. I unfourtunately can't be around my tent everyday so a friend takes care of it during the week. Anyways on to the point i show up yesterday and my light is off and unplugged. I ask what's up and...
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    Tent Growers Club....

    802 please hamster
  15. F

    Tent Growers Club....

    Wow sure are alot of tent growers here didn't realize how many of you were using them. I got a homebox 1m by 1m with a 400w hps/mh in an aircooled hood. Have a whirlwind 4in. 190cfm fan. I have been able to flower 1 crop in it so far and used it this last spring to get all my clones ready for...
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    20 helpful tips

    I think i figured sharkys 2gm/w method. It starts by taking dry nugs and soaking them in water.... tada 2gm/w
  17. F

    20 helpful tips

    How do you fit 16 plants under a 600w light? Especially when you're pulling 300g a plant?? What are you growing in that closet for a strain?
  18. F

    What is the best digital ballast?

    Aren't the magnetic ballast pretty much the same price just run less efficiantly, louder, and run hotter? Also a digital ballast will keep your light brighter longer than a magnetic ballast will as i understand it with a magnetic the bulb starts to loose it's brightness the instant it turns on.
  19. F

    ground control to major tom.....

    Check out the grow journal section lots of good grows with pics.