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  1. slowmo77

    Cuts not rooting!

    i haven't flowered any of them yet but i'll let you know when i do.
  2. slowmo77

    Problem Auto's

    Ya you see new auto strains coming out regularly so im sure they're rushed. you don't hear about many lowryder's that don't auto. its always a fairly new auto strain. I know i've seen several different ppl with different strains that didn't auto.
  3. slowmo77

    Problem Auto's

    I've noticed alot of auto growers are having problems with several different strains. So i thought it might be a good idea to have a thread where we can keep track of these problem auto's. If you've grown an auto and had a problem with it post the strain, where it came from and the...
  4. slowmo77

    MI5, RRF, Jock Horror Auto Grow by Jericho

    gotta hate a hermie!
  5. slowmo77

    Indoor 2600 watt 6x5': SFV OG

    nice monsters you got there OGK.
  6. slowmo77

    Cuts not rooting!

    no i've never cloned either strain before.
  7. slowmo77

    Cuts not rooting!

    Ok, i took cuts from two different plants and im gettin aggrivated. the first plants was a GDP. cuts were taken 3 weeks 4 days ago the second was Kandi Shiva. cuts were taken 2 weeks 4 days ago I done it the same way i always do and nothing. the stems at the bottom have turned a real light...
  8. slowmo77

    Hanna The checker PH meter

    i was told that the hanna meters come pre calibrated but you still need to check it atleast once a week. i went 3 weeks without checking mine and it was off by 1.7 or so.. you can find bottled water thats ph'd to 7.2 and its cheaper than calibration solution, but you really wanna use the...
  9. slowmo77

    Extra lime...

    i've used powdered lime for my mj and pellets in my yard for years. the only difference in pellets and powder is that the pellets take longer to break down and be affective than the powder if they're both dolomite that is. now there are different types of lime. dolomite lime will only take your...
  10. slowmo77

    nicotine in MJ?

    i don't even like to use papers with my mj unless i just got to. i prefer the taste of mj straight.. yum!
  11. slowmo77

    MI5, RRF, Jock Horror Auto Grow by Jericho

    looking good man. that MI5 is a beast and the HBD ain't shabby either. i don't know if its the angle or what but the HBD looks like its 3 feet across.
  12. slowmo77

    Slowmo's Russian Rocket Fuel Grow

    i just smoked a little RRF and its a pretty fair smoke even before it's cured any. the taste doesn't really stand out but again it hasn't cured any. the smoke was pretty smooth but could be better. i'll give a good smoke report once its cured for a few weeks. i hope it gets better since i have...
  13. slowmo77

    Kaliman's Cheese

    i'll follow along. i've been thinking about giving the cheese a try.
  14. slowmo77

    MI5, RRF, Jock Horror Auto Grow by Jericho

    i guess i can wait till tomorrow. lol my HBD are just starting to take off. had to take the my male out today before he dropped his (love) all over my girls. the females aren't ready for hime yet. i'll post a few pics tomorrow in my journal.
  15. slowmo77

    Ebb and Flo' Grow

    your room is gonna be packed in another 4 or 5 weeks. those are some good looking cuts man. ;):D
  16. slowmo77

    Slowmo's Russian Rocket Fuel Grow

    the ER x RRF crosses look like they will yeild pretty good. i don't think they'll finish in 60 days. i'll get around to posting pics here soon
  17. slowmo77

    MI5, RRF, Jock Horror Auto Grow by Jericho

    :postpicsworthless: so us the money shot!!!!
  18. slowmo77

    Slowmo's Russian Rocket Fuel Grow

    ok so my dry weight on the RRF is 24.9 grams.. i don't think thats to bad for a 60 day grow.. we'll see after the it cures for while how the smoke is..
  19. slowmo77

    Ebb and Flo' Grow

    variaty is the spice of life
  20. slowmo77


    you know what, i wasn't even thinking about that.. lol makes sense don't it.