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  1. SensiStarFan

    FED GOV...... bill to legalize

    republicans dont control the house buddy. They control the senate. And in case you missed it the bill is being introduced by a republican and a democrat -SSF-
  2. SensiStarFan

    FED GOV...... bill to legalize

    NorCalHal, THG, Mutt... I think all of you missed the most important part of the story, "allow people to legally grow, use or sell marijuana in states where it is legal." The bill says it would make it legal for people to GROW. That is the key. We want to be allowed to grow in our own...
  3. SensiStarFan

    SSF's Pheno Hunt! (Journal #2)

    Son of a ***** God **** it mother ******* Donkey *** worthless piece of dog **** poop face!!!!!!!! Just spoke with my boss and I have to go out of state for a MONTH at the beginning of July. Normally I do not have to travel, this throws a monkey wrench in my plans!!!!!!!!!!!!! -SSF-
  4. SensiStarFan

    SSF's Pheno Hunt! (Journal #2)

    Never, even if I grew something 10 times better than SensiStar I will always be a SSF. It was the first MJ I ever grew that was in my opinion "great". :)
  5. SensiStarFan

    SSF's Pheno Hunt! (Journal #2)

    Thanks for the advice THG. The seedlings will only be under the dome for a couple days, basically until the seed caps all pop off and then they will be put in individual 16 ounce cups. The exposed rockwool will only be seeing light for a couple days so I am not worried about algae growing on...
  6. SensiStarFan

    SSF's Pheno Hunt! (Journal #2)

    One week after soaking the beans for 24 hours and I have little seedlings. I am not sure if all are going to make it, time will tell. I soaked them for 24 hours, put them in a wet paper towel in a plastic bag for two days to get the tap roots a little bigger, and then transfered them to...
  7. SensiStarFan

    2x150watt hps

    ebay; large selection, good prices. -SSF-
  8. SensiStarFan

    How long until viable pollen?

    The two times I collected pollen and used it for crossing I was able to collect pollen from the males within 3 weeks of flowering. Once you see the pollen sacks opening up and starting to drop pollen I just take a sheet of paper or newspaper and put it on the ground under the pot. Then I just...
  9. SensiStarFan

    Newbie hello

    welcome flick! -SSF-
  10. SensiStarFan


    Sorry for thread jacking but are they flying insects? When I had spider mites both times they looked like little white dots and they left little white stains on the leaves that turned into yellow spots as the leaf damage set in. They also left little white/yellow egg sacks on the underside of...
  11. SensiStarFan


    you are correct sir, + rep! -SSF-
  12. SensiStarFan


    Anyway, let's give this a shot: Question: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  13. SensiStarFan


    I just smells like cabbage. -SSF-
  14. SensiStarFan

    Too many strains for one grow journal, grow journal

    any updates dman? They should be on day #30 I believe. -SSF-
  15. SensiStarFan

    SSF's Pheno Hunt! (Journal #2)

    I find I have a higher success rate when transplanting them to rockwool cubes or soil if I let the germinating seeds develop a little more before planting them. I like for the root to get to be around 1-2 inches at least. -SSF-
  16. SensiStarFan

    SSF's Pheno Hunt! (Journal #2)

    Thanks Power Planter. The last two seeds are showing tap roots today so all 17 seeds have germinated. The "Blue Hash" bean has already shedded it's seed cap. The beans are being put into plastic bags in a wet paper towel and put in a dvd case and stored upright so the taproots grow down. In...
  17. SensiStarFan

    Males? Lets think here...

    MJ males like us human males are only good for one thing. Use the best looking one for "pollen" and then his job is done. -SSF-
  18. SensiStarFan

    tupping? more than once?

    Pinching stems is an example of low stress training. When you pinch a stem the plant devotes growth to other areas. This way you can have lower branches on the plant reaching as high as the main stalk. Cutting off the top(s) of the main stalk or branches is an example of high stress training...
  19. SensiStarFan

    SSF's Pheno Hunt! (Journal #2)

    Hi Rosebud! If it isn't a word it should be, I like it. I was able to get my broken camera to take pictures. Germinating seeds suck but that's all I have to show. The close-up is the seeds I made, the NYC Diesel (x) LA Ultra. -SSF-
  20. SensiStarFan

    SSF's Pheno Hunt! (Journal #2)

    So after 24 hours of soaking 15 of the 17 seeds have sunk to the bottom of the shots glasses and are all showing little tap roots. 2 of the NYC Diesels still have not popped but every other seed has. :woohoo: My camera is not working, the button you press to take the picture actually...