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  1. Elephant Man

    Use of foul language on this site.

    This forum as I see it has 2 simple rules...guidelines really, as I see it. 1) No profanity...every one of you has said that what is acceptable to you may not be to others...this is an international forum for the discussion of cannabis....none of you have the right to choose what is...
  2. Elephant Man

    should i ride this warrant out?

    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SmokinMom again. Well....I gave out some rep on this thread...whatever that means, but it certainly wasn't given to the original poster.:rolleyes: Pretty sure you haven't 'grown up'....just 'screwing up'. Get a life and stay...
  3. Elephant Man

    Such a girly set-up...

    Smokin' Mom is now a growing mom.:clap: I just want to wish you the best of luck and tell you I am here if you need me.:aok: I thought of something my favorite breeder said. This is for you, from DJ Short:
  4. Elephant Man

    cutting off lower branch to make bigger buds

    Kinda hard to see a leaf really well...but that first pic is more of a sativa style bud structure. Indica flowers are usually more 'cone' shaped. See how her leaves are fatter towards the stem coming to a narrower point?...and how the others are more the same width from stem to tip?;) She...
  5. Elephant Man

    Inside DLtoker's Room

    Mold....nice....mycorrhizael fungi in action :aok: not fear the mold bro...just beasties hard at work. I save those dried leaves and mix them back in you noticed...the beasties love em.':heart:
  6. Elephant Man

    cutting off lower branch to make bigger buds

    Sounds to me like you may just have a sativa-dominant pheno...they can take longer to start and finish (but in my opinion worth it:aok:). She have thinner leaves too? How about a pic?
  7. Elephant Man

    Inside DLtoker's Room

    Love the soilbed, that is going to rock.:aok: Just remember, until about 2nd week of flower or so they won't need much water at all....think like 1/3 of a container plant. I still use the weight method alot unless I know the strain. It's so much nicer not having to deal with stupid drip...
  8. Elephant Man

    Unknown growth

    Oh boy...this is going to be one of 'those' threads.:p (bookmarked) Ever since my head first dive into breeding, I have been waiting to fire off some questions myself.:D Wanna do some pondering together? Exactly...other than attempting a reversal (genetic) of something VERY valuable, I...
  9. Elephant Man

    Unknown growth

    It could have been stress induced...but other than light leaks or erratic cycles, hermies are not that easy to 'cause'. More than likely it is genetic. You could pick the 'bananas' off as TBG said, but I would tend to agree with Hick and say kill it. 25 days in is too soon to be a 'mild hermie'.
  10. Elephant Man

    Elephant Man's Grow Journal, 1st attempt

    Sorry guys, several posts tonight...trying to catch you guys up on some stuff.:o This one is just some harvest pics. Strain is 'NL#5 X Afghani'. She was vegged till preflowers at about 3 weeks (I see them VERY early;) ) and sent in to flower...went 8-9 weeks, I don't keep track...only from...
  11. Elephant Man

    Elephant Man's Grow Journal, 1st attempt

    More commentary br REv on the mix above:
  12. Elephant Man

    cutting off lower branch to make bigger buds

    Yes, I do. But not always, and not for the same reason you mentioned. I grow a SOG style from seed, and sometimes I clear lower branches to aid ventilation. That is the only reason I ever remove anything except to harvest, top, or clone. 2 cents and all.
  13. Elephant Man

    Elephant Man's Grow Journal, 1st attempt

    If this is your first time growing, I would stick with stable hybrids, 2-3 gallon pots, vegging to preflowers....etc. As far as maturity having anything with potency, I personally don't think so, but this is debateable. IMO, nearly impossible to prove or disprove...too many variables involved...
  14. Elephant Man

    Chuck Liddell Stay Out of My Medicine Cabinet!!!!

    Painkillers are the devil...and I bet the poor guy feels alot of pain. I only hope he is putting all that money away for his future.
  15. Elephant Man

    Elephant Man's Grow Journal, 1st attempt

    Some of you long time 'living organic' followers may remember some posts early on in regards to my first organic mentor REv (rolanterroy). Unfortunately he is still MIA as far as I know, but thanks to the net, much of his work has been archived. IMO, it is invaluable reading for anyone having a...
  16. Elephant Man

    Bagseed 100% Organic Grow!

    Sorry it has been tough getting the hang of this NGT, but I bet you got it figured out now.;) HID are really gonna help too, most all my mixes and stuff are pretty hot and will burn'em 2 months too soon under flouros....hehe. How much vertical room will you have now? Mandala seeds huh? Hot...
  17. Elephant Man

    does it matter the size of your potting container

    Just in case anyone was curious....same plant in previous pics...almost done.
  18. Elephant Man

    Curing - As suggested by Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal

    Fermentation When vegetation dries, the individual cells which maintained life processes die. But marijuana can still be conditioned by means of fermentation. Fermentation is the process in which microbes and plant enzymes break down complex chemicals into simpler ones, mainly starch and sugars...
  19. Elephant Man

    Curing - As suggested by Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal

    Sun Curing A quick way to cure small quantities of marijuana os to loosely fill a plastic bag or glass jar, or place a layer between glass or plastic sheets, and expose the material to the sun. Within a few hours the sun begins to bleach it. Turn the marijuana every few hours, so that all parts...
  20. Elephant Man

    Curing - As suggested by Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal

    Curing Curing is a process employed to naturally enhance the bouquet, flavour, and texture of marijuana. Curing does not lower potency when done correctly, although poor curing methods often result in some less of THC. Curing is not an essential procedure, and many growers prefer the "natural"...