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  1. M

    Quick filter question

    Just trying to finish my veg cab and I'm working on odor removal, got some Blue Mystic seedlings looking for a home. I read on one forum somebody using carbon pre-filters from Lowes. It seems like they would be good for computer fans, low resistance. My veg cab is only 2' x 2' x 4' , not a lot...
  2. M

    Noob with a couple questions

    Hey there hemp goddess it should sound similar because thats exactly what I'm doing! It was your diy scrog that got me motivated to try to grow my own. I do have a question, can I get by with 3.5" net pots, looks like yours are about 5"
  3. M

    Noob with a couple questions

    Thanks JBonez. guess I'll stay away from the feminized. So you like the high you get from skunk 1, smells good and cheap always a plus! You have good luck with sensi seeds, hows the shipping? Thanks for the help.
  4. M

    Noob with a couple questions

    I've been reading all I possibly can while collecting materials (tight budget), will be building my cabinet this weekend (2' x 2' x5'). My plan is a 1.75 x 1.75 S.C.R.O.G. 2 plants hydro (dwc) 150 watt HPS, for ventilation I'm going to use a holmes air purifier mounted on top with intake vents...