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  1. KADE

    anyone else only watering 1x a day in e&b

    New growth should be very white.... many many many chemical and organic nutes in hydro will stain roots yellow or brownish....
  2. KADE

    why does my ppm keep rising???

    Plant use water faster then they use nutrients... so less water... but more or less same nute level... equals ppm going up. If you worry about salts buildup... or have a problem with sprayers clogging n all that... run plain phed water for 24 hours or a weekend.. it'll flush things out well.
  3. KADE

    when to start nutrients?

    EXACTLY!! easy! Stoney is right about the precise mixing... either mix in the jugs like he says... or if mixing in a rez... make sure your pumps are all turned off so u get proper readings on ph/ec and everything gets mixed evenly.
  4. KADE

    is it possople to grow in a bedroom?

    Too much ozone concentration in a room can kill you... not just be slightly toxic. Came with co2 use.
  5. KADE

    long term mom maintenance

    5 gallon DWC setup... I cut mine back all the time.. 24/0 lighting...
  6. KADE

    how long do you dry

    7 days is always safe... (i'm in a moist basement with a dehumidifier running too) after that bag or jar em... and cure until your hearts content.
  7. KADE

    anyone else only watering 1x a day in e&b

    The water can't really get too cold usually..... the room temp typically keeps it up... it should be cool.. but not cold... i'd look up the actual perfect temp.. (think it is round 70-75) but i'm lazy rite now.
  8. KADE

    Dehumidifier water

    my dehumidifier is used to keep my basement from growing mould... if i didn't have it run my walls would be an infestation.
  9. KADE

    What should i do after Germinate??

    Pound the light to em... let em grow!
  10. KADE

    Newb Question

    My leaves do not ever droop, unless i'm at the end of flowering and they are yellowing bad.
  11. KADE

    chocolate syrup buds..?

    And carboload.. or liquid lead.. or all of those... the 'secret ingredient' is blackstrap molasses... it is just already broken down and diluted.
  12. KADE

    Dehumidifier water

    100% safe to use! It is distilled water.
  13. KADE

    mouldy bud

    I'm gonna go with no.... rotten meat is still rotten meat after cooked.... you can extract the thc with iso... then evaporate.. then cook with it.
  14. KADE

    Drying in the winter?????

    lower light the better.... light degrades thc... if you can't shade it i wouldn't worry about it... better to have it dry then rot/mould.
  15. KADE

    seedlings stunt, big mess?

    A hygrometer reads the humidity in the air.... i'm just checking that the temp you say is a temp? and not a hygro reading?
  16. KADE

    longer veg?

    More to more then less... depends on your amount of lighting... you'll get to a point where it'll slow down... but yes... a 2 foot plant will yield more then a 1 foot.. and so on and so on... until light won't penetrate the canopy.
  17. KADE

    no sign of sex yet

    I dont see nething showing yet... however the pics are quite small.... You'll see the signs when they show up... impossible to miss!!
  18. KADE

    anyone else only watering 1x a day in e&b

    An airstone isn't needed in an active ebb and flow system... if you are constanty churning the water with flood cycles on n off then it doesn't matter... I do mostly aero/drip/nft... that kinda stuff... 24 hour constant cycles... ALL of those are constantly churning the water.. and i've not had...
  19. KADE

    wurrie or not

    Could be shocked.... I've had the same exact problem with armageddon last month. I had roots coming out of the oasis (rockwool) cubes.. so i put them in the 5" cubes a put the big lights to em... only for nothing to happen the whole entire week..... however... 3 weeks later they are well over...
  20. KADE

    anyone else only watering 1x a day in e&b

    It is impossible to overwater a plant in hydro.... IF the water is well aerated. If the water sits stale between cycles I could see a problem.... you have an air pump and air stones in your res? if not... $5 at walmart. LECA (hydroton) does hold a lot of water/nutes... but not to any extent...