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  1. zodiac

    Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

    interesting,name is blocked. i'm not at all political. all i said was t r u m p
  2. zodiac

    Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

    voted for trump, once,will not happen again. not going to read 170 pages,but i'm sure a lot are nay sayers that say this crap like this... " I will NEVER GET A COVID SHOT.......🖕"
  3. zodiac

    Favorite CBD Brands

    if i offend,didn't mean too. my problem is with companies,not a user here.
  4. zodiac

    Favorite CBD Brands

    😔 hope it doesn't make it on porn sites. most THC pills i take have coconut oil. they say it goes to bloodstream faster. for CBD,not needed unless you need it while active.
  5. zodiac

    Favorite CBD Brands

    i laugh at these test letters. what good is it to know of a test from last year on a batch done today? i will take a wiz in a bear costume if i want a warm and fuzzy feeling. though good luck. 😊 give it a month.if a no go,try topicals. topicals work differently.
  6. zodiac

    Favorite CBD Brands

    so,basically...THC on a cracker? 🥴 CBD doesn't work for everything or everyone. half my torso is in pain. i don't do drugs. when released ,i did so much THC that i got CHS in a month or two. now,CBD works on dull pain.,does noting on sharp pain. THCA may help for pain for anyone reading this.
  7. zodiac

    Favorite CBD Brands

    @TheDevilYouLov i would not have guessed this,in july marijuana is legal in maryland.😳 try CBN.they market it as a sleep aid. i don't use it,with the THC use,i need something to stay awake.😉 keep in mind of THC content. @RosterMan ego's suck. i would love to strangle people,but i might come...
  8. zodiac

    Favorite CBD Brands

    sure. i'm not homicidal,just read a book in the late 80's
  9. zodiac

    Favorite CBD Brands

    not all CBD are the same,so don't just try one and give up. the FDA doesn't over see CBD yet. they have done tests and found 60-70% of hemp CBD didn't have correct amount that it says on label. read reviews. also, some ailments CBD works when active,others takes days to weeks to see results. for...
  10. zodiac

    Favorite CBD Brands

    IDK,but you need too cut down so you can know the age of a thread.
  11. zodiac


    i don't. legal here. i buy pills ,CBD and THC. past 6 months. i smoked it in 80's and early 90's,but not for pain. ;) just asking what part of plant. not asking for a cure or treatment.
  12. zodiac


    it's minor,just wondering where in the plant it does. seeing a doc in a couple days,but they may not know nothing about mary jane.
  13. zodiac


    what chemical helps with that? i don't smoke it.
  14. zodiac


    i take a low and high CBD pills. high CBD took a week to work for pain. would a topical be instant for some things and take a while for others?