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  1. S

    HPS vs MH

    When my lights on going, would it be a good idea to have my closet door open? There is alot of natural light in the room that the closet is in.. Is it good to combine the two, or should I keep the closet door closed with the lights running?
  2. S

    HPS vs MH

    I'm looking at a 250watt system for my small closet to begin the process of growing. What would be better to go with if I could only choose ONE of these? Could I purchase a 250 watt hps system and switch it with a MH bulb? Would I want to do this, or just keep the hps bulb from start to finish?
  3. S

    preparing to begin.. would like some answers...

    Whats a good watering guideline? Is it wait until a fingers depth feels dry? Or more on a routine? I know that most good soils will have enough nutrients until week 3 or so.. And then begin to add nutrients or grow additives such as miracle grow? Any ideas to cut my closet space in half so my...
  4. S

    first time..

    the nerves of a first time buyer.. i saw the review site and have read over it and checked out a few of the sites.. a big question of mine is what is the best method of payment? are people buying seeds with their credit cards because that aspect seems to raise the paranoia factor for me? is the...
  5. S

    Who has had recent success in the US?

    Do you all use a cc on the site? Or send payment another way? Is it worth the extra money to buy the feminized seeds?
  6. S

    preparing to begin.. would like some answers...

    Cali and Oregon resident transplanted to phoenix, az for now and am preparing a spare closet room for growing.. im only looking at doing 2 plants to start, is an hps 150w going to be enough or need it be more? the closet space is about 2' feet, 4' long and 8' to the ceiling with a clotes rack at...