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  1. C

    need a lil help

    ok noob question here i planted em a few days ago when should they be ready (im going for more of a mind high so i do believe it should be a little early not sure)
  2. C

    hiding the plants/watering?

    if you want to do a little hard labor to keep from getting the man on you find a low spot thats in the sun where the soil isn't to bad then you need a bucket a hose and something like a drill put the bucket in a high spot (tree will work lol) anyway run a small hose from the bucket to the ground...
  3. C

    need a lil help

    well i guess what im saying in a nutshell is that its hard for me to read a guide and understand if anyone could show me like week 1 week 2 so on then the picking and drying basically the steps and how it shoiuld look as i do it because i have no idea what to look for so if anyone could help...
  4. C

    need a lil help

    is there anyone that has pictures of male and females growing from day 1 to ripe because if i could have a visual as when to pick my plants that would be wonderful i dont want to pick them to early or to late im also trying to go for a head high instead of body high and i do believe that i have...
  5. C

    Night Stalker

    yeah i was pretty sure it needed light to grow through photosenthisis or however its spelled i was actually thinking about growing close to the river thats a few blocks away the only problem is that theres alot of people trafficing the area so thats not a good idea if i had a car i would drive...
  6. C

    Night Stalker

    i am trying to find a guide to growing my plants in the dark because someone i know had some purp that was grey and grew in the dark i just dont know how to get plants to thrive in the dark can anyone help me out i haven;t been growing long but if i could grow it under the house that would be...