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  1. G

    Nirvana Northern Lights "CLONES"

    got about 7 days left trichs are cloudy with about 10 percent amber.... just wanted to post some pics... enjoy... oh the last pic is an Aurora Indica clone it has mabe 3 weeks left
  2. G

    pH and Soil - What's going on

    i flush at 6.7.... 6.3-6.8 is good for soil.. if you can get some dolimite lime about one-fourth teaspoon or less spread on top of soil and water it in.... i have heard of people doing this with success... have never had to do it my self...
  3. G


    welcome to MP......
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    pH and Soil - What's going on

    i always flush my soil a couple of days before i plant in it......
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    pH and Soil - What's going on

    have you tried flushing ????????
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    still veggin and still askin questions...

    if it is the pre-nuted miricalgrow soil i would find something without time release nutes to transplant to before flowering... IMO time release nutes bad for flower
  7. G

    Very Big N00B :)

    pro's=stelth, cons= not much bud....
  8. G

    Ocean Forest vs. Happy Frog

    i use expert gardener organic,wal-mart brand, i have no complaints... and have also used mirical-gro organic.... neither of these have time release nutes.... all organic...... 3-4 bucks a bag...
  9. G

    We Need These Kinda (canna)lobbyists Stateside...

    i hear you loud and clear!!!!!!! thing is in america big government makes more money from MJ being illegal than if it wasnt....thats the way it is in amercia... its not about right-wrong-good-bad, its all about money period....
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    Very Big N00B :)

    knowldge is you will gain the knowldge that will give you the power to grow MJ........ read-read-READ.
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    Happy Frog and Dolomitic Lime Question

    i wouldnt add a thing.... that stuff is ready for plants like it is......
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    new member from belfast

    welcome to MP. glad to have you aboard....
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    My 1st indoor grow w CFL's @ 7 days

    what do you got growing there????? female seeds??????
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    :holysheep: :eek: :) :headbang2: :farm: :farm: :ccc: that is very impressive hemp.
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    US law

    pork-chops........................ ham................. bacon,bacon,bacon,bacon............LEO,LEO,LEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
  16. G

    first indoor grow???

    thats one way of doing it, or take clones from each plant mark clones to identefy wich clones come from which plant veg clones until they get roots and then switch to 12-12.. keeping the doner plants in veg ..
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    What is the best?

    what do you have now???
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    new grow

    yes,yes, it is useing up stored nutrients
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    nute-away feed them babies.... but ph your water...
  20. G


    being 3 weeks old and still in seedling soil, i dont know about that, isnt that like alot of moss, not good for older mj plants....