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  1. G

    Looking for a certain pic, help please?

    :holysheep: :eek: :D :bong:
  2. G

    I am so mad today I eat nails!!!!!

    i want even get started!!!!!!
  3. G

    should i flush before switching nutes?

    i always like to feed my plants real good with veg. nutes the day i put them in the flowering phase, then its flowering nutes every watering...... i never flush until about two weeks before harvest, unless i have a soil problem....
  4. G


    sounds like you have a 2 month veg. already, your plants will double and sometimes triple in size during flower, you can veg. as long as you like, depending on space...... if it hasnt been in 12-12 that long you can revert back to veg.... may set you back a couple of weeks....
  5. G

    indoor grow box Q

    you need at least 3000LUMINS PER SQ.FT. miniume 5000 per sq.ft or more is great, no hotter than 78 lights on, no colder than 68 lights off. for four female plants a 4 ftx4 ft.x 6 ft. would be great, it all depends on how you grow and what strain,indica,sativa, i got a tent this size and have...
  6. G

    Slowmo's Blush and Kult grow

    yea slowmo77, sshow them babies off.......
  7. G

    I'm New!

    :shocked: :shocked: :yeahthat: :watchplant: :farm:
  8. G

    little help???????

    alright, i told my wife that i can do something right.... thanks for the very encourageing imput.....
  9. G

    Marijuana Nation on NAT Geo channel

    i thought it was the 2 of dec. ????
  10. G

    How much do you smoke?

    i smoke all day everyday, quater to half oz everyday... that is gospel......
  11. G

    What to do with male plants?

    if it where me, wouldnt have to ask, males are useless except for breeding IMO....if its in the same house as other plants it most likely will pollenate them.....
  12. G

    bud won't burn. ash goes hard

    me too, i got some A.I. that was kinda like that, smokes good now.... did your soil have any time release nutes in it?????
  13. G

    little help???????

    thanks alot Mutt, my first harvest out of this mix will be dedicated to you my friend.... going to try and get some awsome white-widow buds!!!!!!!!!
  14. G

    little help???????

    thanks Mutt, never used this kinda mix befor, i always have used the cheap organic potting soil, but cant find any anywhere around here... i have perlite and vermiculite, and i always have worm castings.. so i should add some of all?????? i like to think of myself as a grow rebel!!!!!!!!!
  15. G

    little help???????

    i am also going with fox farm nutes this time,3 pack.... any help greatly apprecited....
  16. G

    little help???????

    hey everyone, went hunting some potting mix today, every thing that i have used before is gone... i had to go to a land scapeing place, they had this, it is soilless. will this work or do i need to add anything to it???????
  17. G

    Hello all...

    welcome to MP.....
  18. G

    yet another "Green giant" grow

    :holysheep: :eek: :eek: :eek: :shocked: :shocked: :watchplant: :watchplant: :guitar: :guitar:
  19. G

    New to the grow

    you soil looks like it needs some perlite, i think you need to open your soil up with some perlite so it can get oxygen to your roots and better soil drainage..imo... and the fan too..
  20. G


    i hear you i figure its alot like growing mj, the more you do the better you