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  1. G

    hello everyone, been away for awhile....

    no thats the white widows, the blue is 1,7 and 9
  2. G

    hello everyone, been away for awhile....

    hello old friends and hello new friends, been away for awhile just wanted to show a few pics of my ladies that i got going right now.. these are just some blue mystic and white widow... enjoy
  3. G

    Purple Kush (real deal w/ pictures)

    got to get me some of that.... nice
  4. G

    What do you guys think about cutting off small flowers?

    i never remove anything until plant is ready, except for sample buds..... as for as it makeing other buds bigger, i dont know, you could get some side ligthing to put around the lower parts of your plant...
  5. G

    Brown spots on a few.. Help!

    could be a ph lock-out?????
  6. G

    Brown spots on a few.. Help!

    a month old and only 3-5 inches tall???? are you lsting????
  7. G


    i dont think you can waste any money on mj, even if you spend 500 bucks on one grow and you fail badly, you will have still learned something!!!! but thats just my smoked-up-mind thinking again...
  8. G

    Responces about the Vote for "Letter to the President" LEGALIZE MARIJUANA.

    great ideal!!!! i'm all in, and the rest of the family will be too....
  9. G

    Some yellowing in the leaves

    its is hungry, looks natural to me some plants lose there first set of finger leafs early, but i would be giving them full strength nutes, as for the seedling, ez up let it grow and water it looks dry, what are you growing in ??? doesnt look to have any perlite in it....
  10. G

    so how much do you smoke?

    :holysheep: :eek: whats a fag???? a hermie plant???? i hope you aint smokeing people???? just kidding, a fag is a cig. right????
  11. G

    so how much do you smoke?

    i am a weed monster, i smoke from the time i get up ,if i could i would smoke in my sleep... I LOVE THIS PLANT......
  12. G

    It's harvest time!

    the only thing better is the next one!!!!!!!!!!,nice, makes me want to smoke a bowl....
  13. G

    gears of war 2?????

    is there any gears of war 2 buffs on here???? looking for members to play on team?????
  14. G

    compact fluo....or hps..which one is best

    the first two grows i ever did was with all cfl's from start to finish. they will grow some nice looking bud, but it want be as compact and full as the HPS light will produce.but i aint no expert,and anything is possible????????
  15. G

    24 hour light. good or bad?

  16. G

    compact fluo....or hps..which one is best

    i think it is hard to beat a good HPS light for flowering, i veg with CFL's and flower with HPS
  17. G


    attitude is the bomb!!!!!!
  18. G

    Possible hermaphrodite PLEASE TELL ME IF IT IS OR NOT

    i had a plant do that, turned out to be bud-sites, it grew like small branches with small buds....
  19. G

    leaves folding in?

    maybe try full strength nutes first, it is hungry sounds like to me..