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  1. Trafic

    2 Box Grow

    Yes, as of now it is still a one box grow but so far I have not nneded the space. But on to more Pics. They seem to be coming along nicely. One of the Auto AK's looks like it's on steroids but I guess that's how they grow. Unfortunately one of the auto AK's seems to have some serious genetic...
  2. Trafic

    Hydrofarm Daystar Reflector

    I have the Daystar. It get's too hot for my small closet (2'x3'x5') without good ventilation. I ended up going with a Daystar AC for my new bigger box and I'm hoping for better results.
  3. Trafic

    3rd Grow White Widow Clones

    What's the wattage of your lights?
  4. Trafic

    State Workers Get Stoned, Take Naps in ‘Man Cave’ Hideout

    This is why we should fire 50% of government workers every year.
  5. Trafic

    2 Box Grow

    Ok got this next grow started. Here's what I've got 4 - Lowlife Auto AK 2 - Joint Dr. Lowrider 2 Fem (Don't hate) 2 - Nirvana Northern Lights 4 - Barney's Farm Blue Cheese Equipment: 1 2x3 Box w/Lumatek 400W HPS Hortilux bulb, daystar reflector 1-3'x3' Homebox w/Lumatek 400W HPS Hortilux...
  6. Trafic

    Stealth (PC) Northern Lights

    I think the poor quality soil has a lot to do with that too. Did you get that from your backyard? This would only help the growth. I suggest you get better soil, a bigger box and better lights.
  7. Trafic

    How did your parents find out you toked.

    Drove home drunk when I was 16 in the early 90's. Folks smelled booze on my breath, freaked out (rightfully so for driving drunk). Went to get keys from my car and saw my bong laying on the back seat. That was when my dad decided I would be a manual laborer for his construction company so he...
  8. Trafic

    Great White Shark-DWC-SCROG

    That's just one plant?!! Wow, that's pretty impressive. Good work.
  9. Trafic

    Almost Busted - Live & Learn

    Rats deserve to be in holes.
  10. Trafic

    Is It Safe To Have Seeds Delivered To USA?

    Attitude seeds. Google it.
  11. Trafic

    The Captian's Log

    When I read your posts I'm doing it with Captain Kirks voice and unnecessary dramatic inflection. It's fun. Nice plants too.
  12. Trafic

    Vermont takes nation's top spot for marijuana use

    I lived in Vermont for some time and I'll be damned if only 2.5% of the populace smokes weed. More like 25%.
  13. Trafic

    tribal vision

    Attitude has them. hXXp://
  14. Trafic

    Thanks to all of my friends for understanding.

    One of the top people in my folks business screwed them years ago. They trusted her like a daughter, paid her a great salary, and she stole from them then tried to put them out of business. Life's a *****. So are some people. I don't believe in karma but it does seem to work. Good luck.
  15. Trafic

    how long does it take for northern lights to grow

    I've got nirvana too and by 4 weeks it was 12" tall. Then I switched and it took off from there.
  16. Trafic

    new grow need critics

    All your questions can be answered here.
  17. Trafic

    new grow need critics

    Dude, nothing's going to get traced back to you. Don't be paranoid. There's lot's of people here who buy a lot more equipment than you and no one on this site (that I know of) has ever been caught for buying a grow light or two.
  18. Trafic

    ok i got pics of my plant(s) help/tips are greatly appreciated

    If you can't get new lights try putting them in the sun all day. They need way more light.
  19. Trafic

    new grow need critics

    I have that same 70W HPS light from the depot and it is still too small. I only use it in combination with CFL's for germination. Go to an online hydroponics site to order a 400W HPS light or several TP fluorescent lights. Also get nutes while you're there.
  20. Trafic

    trying to save money, need help

    This is from the top of the General Indoor Growing page. After reading this you need to go to the grow journal section and read up on all of the auto grows (there are a ton of them going on). You really need to look around this...