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  1. J

    Favorite things to do while high!!

    ya there is something about it that's indescribably tranquil. it makes you think of how crazy life (especially when your high) for there to be such a gigantic body of water, just randomly... anyways im talking stoner right now. :rolleyes:
  2. J

    Couple Q's

    how long does it take for the "tap root" or "tail" or "white thing" (like i call it) to become long enough to put it in soil 1/4"? when i put it in soil should i immediately put it under light? or wait a little bit? should i face the white thing facing up or down into the soil? thanks guys...
  3. J

    getting everything set up (Closet Growing)

    ok so i'm already got a 600-630 watt lamp, and i'm getting an intake and exhaust (leaving the room), and oscilating fan (which i'm not quite sure what that is and not sure if i really need it) and a air cooled reflector (is this going to be necissary with a 600-630 watt lamp, i'm growing inside...
  4. J

    Germinating Seeds for Indoor Grow NOW!

    how long does it take for the "tap root" or "tail" or "white thing" (like i call it) to become long enough to put it in soil 1/4"? when i put it in soil should i immediately put it under light? or wait a little bit? should i face the white thing facing up or down into the soil? thanks...
  5. J


    EVEN IF YOUR NOT DRIVING A CAR!!! there really are crazy things on the internet, i remember my d.a.r.e. teacher told us a story in like 6th grade about a guy who was running away from the cops and climbed a fence and his arm got caught on something and was hanging on by a threat but he couldn't...
  6. J

    Medicinal Marijuana discussion

    that's why i try to not smoke it like everyday. in fact lately i only smoke it like once every couple weeks. it's a lot more fun to smoke it sparingly anyways because you get so much higher.
  7. J

    Medical usage poll

    i think there are people who benefit from it in less direct ways, like people with things like muscular distrophy and like you said cancer patients need it on top of the pain and everything else just to build up an appetite to eat, instead of getting food from a tube. but i got off track here...
  8. J

    Medical Marijuana

    naw he's not in Livermore, but i'm from the east bay. you too?
  9. J

    Ventilizationing 2 (air flow vs. cooling)

    ya dude it helped a lot, thanks. it's alllll comin' together. :farm:
  10. J

    Ventilizationing 2 (air flow vs. cooling)

    thanks. so i don't need intake connected to the air cooled hood, only exhaust connected to it, to control temps? :banana:
  11. J

    make a diff. in Marijuana Policy!

    again those are the Reps that voted NO on the amendment
  12. J

    make a diff. in Marijuana Policy!

    Here are the names and numbers of the Representatives that voted NO on the 2007 Hinchey-Rohrabacher medical marijuana amendment. The amendment protects medical marijuana patients in medical marijuana states from being prosecuted and thrown in jail for felony's (growing marijuana). These people...
  13. J

    Medicinal Marijuana discussion

    i think in general the only mental disorders that marijuana helps with is depression, anxiety (and thats not all people) in some people it makes them have more anxiety. just fyi people who smoke marijuana are 10 times more likely to develop schizophrenia, i'm all for the legalization but be...
  14. J

    Contact your Representative before the VOTE! (link inside)

    contact your representatives in your state everyone! hxxps:// (replace the x's with t's and put in browser, otherwise it shows the referring website (mp) to the target site) thanks hick. contacting your representative truly helps for every e-mail they get...
  15. J

    Contact your Representative before the VOTE! (link inside)

    when will we know if it passed or not? and ok i am an idiot when it comes to politics and everything in between. who is the u.s. house of representatives? is that like a few people from each state? and how can i know who i can contact or e mail about this?
  16. J

    Ned help with appetite & weight gain.

    you could eat and get really full before you get high. and like gagjababy said drink lots of water, and exercise regularly. oh and dude fruit tastes bomb when you are high, and it's good for you. i always make a healthy grub sandwich, with 100% whole GRAIN (keyword grain here) bread, mustard (no...
  17. J

    Medical Marijuana

    i'm seeing a doctor now but on his page he said he was 1 of 9 doctors that were being federally investigated by the government.. apparently he still has his licence. but should i go through this guy since he's been tested by the government or is it risky? i do have issues that would deem it...
  18. J

    Medical Marijuana

    btw in california do you ahve to go to your own doctor to get a recommendation etc...? or can you go to a special medical marijuana doctor?
  19. J

    Medical Marijuana

    thanks for the reply's everyone. godspeedsuckah : my friends have said they have told the doctor about their insomnia but i dont know if that was the basis of getting the mm card or not.
  20. J

    Germinating Seeds for Indoor Grow NOW!

    thanks, when do you plant them then? once the seed comes off i never saw yellow leaves before just a white root type thing.