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  1. J

    Best munchie food

    whoa you just blew my mind with that combo.
  2. J

    it's been 5 days and the SOIL is

    still a little moist when i put my finger 2-3 inches down, should i water them?
  3. J

    ALL Clones Sagging omg help me please!

    i thought they liked low humidity?
  4. J

    Air Cooled Hood, inline Fan Power?

    no he took it really cool actually. like he called me while i was at school and said "you have a weird sound coming from your room it kinda sounds like the heater but the heaters not on" and i was just like "oh i must of left my fan on" then when i got home he straight up asked me. im really not...
  5. J

    Air Cooled Hood, inline Fan Power?

    he actually used to grow himself but he looked at the meter and noticed that it was spinning unusually fast after hearing the fan, so he knew. but i have a month to move them now.
  6. J

    Got my 600 Today

    how far away are you going to put the light? because i put mine about 2 feet or a little more from the plants and they are ALL sagging horribly. it's really depressing.... my first grow :(
  7. J

    Air Cooled Hood, inline Fan Power?

    what is the minimum kind of power do i need in an inline fan to cool the light enough? because my fan right now is SO LOUD! my roommate found out about my grow because of it :(
  8. J

    ALL Clones Sagging omg help me please!

    ya i got fox farm ocean forest, light was 2 feet from plant. i watered it with 2-1-6 last night around 2 am when i turned it on. about 150ml each. something like that.
  9. J

    ALL Clones Sagging omg help me please!

    i had my light on from 2am til about 12 noon and when i woke up they were all like sagging like almost dead, even my pride and joy (the one that looked the healthiest), i am so upset about this. i had the 600watt air cooled light about 2 or a little more than 2 ft from the plants. i also watered...
  10. J

    Water Clones now?

    and how much water should i use?
  11. J

    Nutes Clones!?>!

    i forgot to ask, but from my last question i was saying have 12 clones under a 600 watt light, been under it for 24 hours so far, and at midnight (6 hrs from now) im gona start htem on an 18/6. so i just got em' yesterday, when should i give them nutes? they've been in a moisture material thing...
  12. J

    Water Clones now?

    i have 12 clones, under a 600 watt hps light (air cooled) they've been under that light since 6pm yesterday , and it's 6pm right now, i plan on turning it off at midnight and starting an 18/6 day, off at midnight, on at 6am. when should i water them? by the way, the clones came in some kind of...
  13. J

    a little ventilation and air flow help plz

    i just bought an inline fan and it is LOUD. its pictured here...
  14. J

    How to lower your electric bill and NOT get arrested!

    $600 how many lights/watts do you have?
  15. J

    emergency ballast question

    i was iffy about putting it on the wall because it was so heavy. but thanks. ill get it off the carpet. you sure a book is good? like it wont catch on fire?
  16. J

    NEW clones watering schedule

    please answer soon im on a friend computer my internet is down. my poor babies are lookin' a little down.
  17. J

    NEW clones watering schedule

    k i picked up my clones at 12 noon today, planted them at 5 and put them under light at 6, the soil is still a little damp but not very much. when should i water them?
  18. J

    NEW clones lighting schedule

    i got the clones today at like 12 noon, got them planted around 5 and under light at 6:08, it's now 11:16, their schedule is going to be 18/6, from 6am until 12 midnight. but since i started them at 6 should i go til midnight (6 hours on) then start them on their regular schedule? or should i...
  19. J

    emergency ballast question

    ok i have 8 clones up and going, and i have my ballast on my floor but it is getting really hot on the carpet. i dont know what i can use to put it on so that even if it gets hot it wont be a fire hazard. like if i put it on wood or cardboard i think that might be a fire hazard. anyone got any...
  20. J

    i am confused by this... if you go to this site and click on "CA Marijuana laws" then click on the link "San Francisco Proposition W" it says that an initiative passed saying "We, the people of San Francisco, demand that the District Attorney, along with the Chief of Police, cease the arrest...