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  1. Z

    My Bagseed

    You're made of sterner stuff than me! It's bad enough with just me, a boyfriend and a bunch o' dogs to look after. Little wonder we want to be high all the time... hahaha. At least my plants are coming along nicely... muwahahaha! Just a couple more weeks.... <sigh>
  2. Z

    My Bagseed

    Okok, obviously you guys are not the supreme weed beings I was hoping for... ;) J/k. So I just went on ebay and bought myself a cute little jewelers loop. Hopefully there'll be something exciting to see when it gets here. Oh and they aren't cfls, just your run of the mill, everyday 4' shop...
  3. Z

    My Bagseed

    It's not the ten bucks, it's having to remember to stop at a store that sells them sometime when they're open. Work and go to school full time, see how much time you have to run out and find one. Lol. I don't even know where a radio shack is, and if I did, by the time Im usually done for the...
  4. Z

    My Bagseed

    Hey guys, My second grow, bagseed, all flouro, soil. We're seven weeks into flower. Are the trichs clear enough in these pics to tell how we're coming along? I just taste tested until I was happy last time because I didn't want to cough up the $10 for a microscope. But maybe my camera is good...