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  1. Joes grows ct

    Just joining

    Welcome the ppl here are the best. Literally. Ever since iv joined iv learned so much and just love all the grows and it's endless knowledge. You'll see stick around
  2. Joes grows ct


    What strains are they look amazing g nice job
  3. Joes grows ct

    Chubby's Indoor Garden

    With photos I believe there gonna finish around the same time except maybe if ypu play with the light cycle or temps making the plants think it's colder and getting shorter days maybe it'd finish faster or possibly try too through a nanner to make babies knowing it's life's coming to an end idk
  4. Joes grows ct

    Oscar's Outdoor

    Dammit killing it they look like trees I have one just starting to flower outside doesn't get too much light only girl I ended up with my fault this coming year I'm shooting for some big girls have made two plots this year slowly chopping trees ect . I looked for these spots all year after...
  5. Joes grows ct

    Hello MJ Passion

    There so beautiful. Adapted well to your climate, if they only been watered once. The earth has been doing this for years, so it knows what it's doing. So cool man. Read a few great things that carty had said about you mostly how you helped make seeds. Really cool your here 😎
  6. Joes grows ct

    MJP’s Grow Off Rules

    Jan got my photo beans ty your are amazing and the card was cool!!!!!!!
  7. Joes grows ct

    Howdy dudes! New to site, not to grow

    Nice job man I been thinking about converting to a two plants hydro system in my 2x4x6 but idk.
  8. Joes grows ct

    Carty Grows Jan's Gifts

    So this is my beast mode now this is way past preflower no Chek it out all the same I think her stretch and preflower is extended time it's actually great cause you get a little extra time to get them bigger this one was tiny before it shot out a hair once they started coming out they kept...
  9. Joes grows ct

    Carty Grows Jan's Gifts

    Supposed to be an auto just keeps throwing out all kinds of three leaf leaves and the bud sites that were like one bud had stretched to some like five different sites it's great if it finishes I think it will
  10. Joes grows ct

    Carty Grows Jan's Gifts

    I shdnt have don't this here I'm sorry carty
  11. Joes grows ct

    Carty Grows Jan's Gifts

    Hey guys these are the flowers on my beast mode isn't that more then pre flower or no??? Should I put them in 12 n 12 or smthing along that line ?
  12. Joes grows ct

    KGB Grow

    What ppfd do you veg that at ?
  13. Joes grows ct

    KGB Grow

    I still haven't put my earthboxnd together but I may be soon I'd def replicate ypur method if shown
  14. Joes grows ct

    KGB Grow

    Wow that is killer your grows I'm completely in awe there huge
  15. Joes grows ct

    MJP’s Grow Off Rules

    I'm not in the loup
  16. Joes grows ct

    MJP’s Grow Off Rules

    What are you looking to seen grown ? I'll do whatever one I do like photos lately but been trying to get a rotating auto grow the percent thc and the amazing plants are just incredible to watch mature and transo5m learning a lot organically lately how the whole nitrogen cycle works the cation...
  17. Joes grows ct

    MJP’s Grow Off Rules

    If I can join I'll do too at least in a s.all 2x2 tent lmk I like what ypu guys are doing here cool stuff