yarddog's latest activity

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  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    When cars and girls were real 😂
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to WeedHopper's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Brings back good memories.🥰
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to jagwire2010's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Getting ready to go visit my brother for a bit, take a ride to the park and smoke a few bowls
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Morning gang. Going to butcher out and thirty quail today. Get my scissors ready to cut some heads off 😂. The cats enjoy the heads...
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to WeedHopper's post in the thread Dog's Yard with Love Love.
    I'm going to build my own as I always have. Just got the split air unit put in my pantry. I have a 7x11 room in my garage. I have my...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Dog's Yard.
    I take a simple approach. I grow more plants that are smaller vs training fewer plants to have a larger canopy. I run 5 in a 3x3 tent.
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    Well this dog is down for the count. Long week.
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    I’d have to call their bluff. Seeing as I’m broke. I be’s lookin at the porn 😂. But my old lady already caught me so there.
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to Hippie420's post in the thread Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax? with Haha Haha.
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to Hippie420's post in the thread Closet grow with Like Like.
    Aluminum foil ain't the answer. Flat white is better.
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread Closet grow with Like Like.
    No foil...white paint..flat. Aluminum foil is the mark of a newbie..lol. Make a hat with the foil.
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Closet grow.
    My old cabinet was flat white and it did a really good job. Cheap and easy and worked great.
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to WeedHopper's post in the thread Closet grow with Like Like.
    Paint your walls flat white. Easier to clean and has good reflection.
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to WeedHopper's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    It really isn't that hard to stop once you understand the consequences. Cancer is a horrible way to die my friend and open heart surgery...
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to WeedHopper's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    After open heart surgery I never touched the mother fkers again. I quit cold turkey. Get that chest busted open is an life changing...