yarddog's latest activity

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  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Dog's Yard.
    My old cabinet was a 4x6. 4x4 bloom with 2x4 veg. Was ideal.
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Dog's Yard.
    Well, got a 4x4 tent ordered. Wanted the five footer but just don’t have the space. Hoping next year I’ll get an out building and...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Dog's Yard.
    I grow five at a time in a 3x3 tent. So plants are not massive. Also it take two weeks to dry enough to jar it so that takes my...
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to Carty's post in the thread Dog's Yard with Haha Haha.
    I take my close trim and squeeze it into a ball really tight, then cut it up with scissors and twist up doobs for daytime weed. works...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Dog's Yard.
    We are smoking trim next week
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to greenmobster440's post in the thread Dog's Yard with Haha Haha.
    Great looking bud. I hear ya on that harvest to harvest thing. I got buds drying and I'm smoking decarbed pot..lol.
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to BuzzeyeBill's post in the thread Dog's Yard with Like Like.
    Nice. Haven't grown indoors for years. Having reclaiming some clones from a friend couldn't do anything but break out the light. Already...
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Dog's Yard.
    • 7C884079-988C-4439-BABB-3E8574E14232.jpeg
    • 602EEE03-EB5C-47ED-9838-CC4EA80B1A42.jpeg
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    I thing like a hand rolled cigarette on a cold morning.
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Dog's Yard.
    Ordering a new tent tonight. Something around 4x4 or maybe 5x5 if it will fit. I may keep the 3x3 going too. I need to stock some...
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to Lesso's post in the thread Dog's Yard with Like Like.
    Look at ac infinity for a 3x3 grow setup. Has a controller, light, fans, blower l, carbon scrubber and some extras
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    I really enjoy smoking. Which is why it is so hard to stay quit. But after watching a good friend of mine dying of lung cancer, and...
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to Hippie420's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    Off to the Big City. Be back soon.
  • yarddog
    yarddog reacted to MariJan's post in the thread Island Of Misfits with Like Like.
    @yarddog this us some of the things you can track with an Iwatch
  • yarddog
    yarddog replied to the thread Island Of Misfits.
    We must be lucky in the south. It’s rare to see more than surface rust from body damage down here. My 99 CRV is 100% rust free...