Recent content by TheBaconChef

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  1. T

    Cheap and Easy way to eat weed

    I did end up trying this, another confirmation that it works and won't win any taste contests. I used Ritz crackers. I also had about .2 in each cracker(or pair of crackers with Pnut butter in between if you wanna get meticulous).
  2. T

    Cheap and Easy way to eat weed

    Thanks for this recipe, I only have about 1.5 left and I've been in the mood for an eating buzz lately. I can't wait to try this one out. Sure beats dropping 14 grams on some brownies. Once I get around to making these guys I'll let you guys know how they worked for me.
  3. T

    Selling A Piece?

    For it to be legal it has to be dam clean. Thats probably why they took it off of craigslist, to make sure they don't get in any trouble. I've purchased pieces from people who were asking around, so thats prolly your best bet. Usually you gotta drop the price pretty low to sell a used piece...
  4. T

    Largest Indoor Bust In History.

    They were in it for the money, theres a chance they don't even smoke. I've known a few dealers who dont smoke but still sell it. In all likelihood, they prolly smoked a whole lot tho :bong:
  5. T

    Legalization In US Not so great of an Idea

    I fail to see how legalizing cannabis for adults over 21 (or even 18) would make it easier for minors to get a hold of. If your 16 - 18 years old and for the life of you cannot find any pot then you were probably homeschooled in little house on the praire. Being over 18 yet under 21, its much...
  6. T

    Don't get high the first time?

    Thanks alot for answers everyone, especially ownage. That makes a little bit more sense to me. I remember the first time i got high and it was kind of like at the time i didnt know i was high really, it seemed pretty normal to me then when i awoke the next morning and i thought about how i felt...
  7. T

    Don't get high the first time?

    Okay, I'm wondering: A) Who all got high the first time they smoked. B) For those that don't get high the first time, what causes this? In case your wondering why I im interested in this information, this is how it's going down. Today in my sociology class my professor was talking about...
  8. T

    How to store brownies

    Hey guys, My question has two parts, I was curious what the best method of storing brownies would be and also how long they can be stored in the afforementioned mannor? I made them on Tuesday, and its Thursday now for those of us who might be a little 'out of it,' or who read the thread...
  9. T

    Calling Honey-Oil Experts

    Yea, I've seen that mirror test thing before. I was a little skeptical but the guy he bought it from was smoking it so i knew it couldn't be to messed up of stuff, atleast knowingly bad. This is what makes drugs dangerous. With this fucking prohibition you have to buy anything you want from some...
  10. T

    Calling Honey-Oil Experts

    First off, Let me just say I hate this forum. I came on here two hours ago to ask this quick question and got caught up reading all the wonderful things everyone writes (Essay contest was very entertaining.) and now I'm behind on all my damn reading for class tomarrow. :D Anyways, I have a...
  11. T

    I need you opinion ( thanks )

    I think the new site is about 2 million times better than the last. Keep up the good work.
  12. T

    I need you opinion ( thanks )

    In my personal opinion, I think the website would be much more effective if it focused more on pure legalization. For instance, those things that say stoner advisory at the top make it look less proffesional. Words like stoner and seeing 420 pot leaves kottonmouth kings and things like that are...
  13. T

    Another When should I harvest Question.

    I do remember posting those. I have like 7 plants total right now, these being the smallest but oldest ones. They were in 4 inch pots for like the first month so they never got over a foot tall. I'll try to find my old post and see what plants I planted then. I know the last one i planted was on...
  14. T

    Another When should I harvest Question.

    Im sure you guys get this alot, But I can't reach a conclusion as far as when i should harvest my bagseed grow. I planted these guys outdoors a while ago. I don't remember even what month it was but im guessing late feb. or sometime in march. They are just seeds from some mexican bud but I put...
  15. T

    Looking for: Tall, Thick, Fast growing plant

    Didnt read the entire case, but enough to get the picture. I cannot believe that they would be able search my house just because they smell something in the area. I know if my neighbor was growing ganja and they searched my house becasue they smelled something and invaded my privacy i would be...