Green House- Lemon Skunk.... Drip, hydro

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Pimp Co.
Feb 28, 2008
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OK guys startin a new Journal. Got me some Green House Lemon Skunk seeds. And i built me a little 6 spot hydro set up but wont need it for a few weeks... Lets see what were working with...

Ionic Neuts "Grow, Bloom, Boost"
Liquid Silicon
250W HPS for Flower
2 4' Floresents for VEG
Home made 6 spot 6" net pots

Thats about it... Tag along guys..



O ya, thanks again bro. Local hydro store had it.
Will be interesting to watch. I bought 5 lemon skunk fems from greenhouse. 3 of the 5 turned mutant on me.
REALLY, well dang. Hope i have better luck....
OK so i threw 8 beans into plates on the 10th, all cracked by the 11th. So i pre-soaked my 1" rockwool in 5.5PH water for 12hrs, drained and pre-soaked in 5.8PH water. Thin i placed the cracked beans into there new rockwool homes, and placed in Humidity dome and sprayed 6-8 times a day. By the 12th they were all sprouted. Today they are about 1" tall and are soooo healthy looking, I removed the humidity dome and lowered my lights to about 4" away. All are the same hight, and no runts or non launchers.... O, and nothing but 5.8PH water for 2 weeks.

Looking good so far. Going to be a good grow, I think. Keep us posted. Nice work on the hydro system. Gotta love making them yourself. Anyways, keep us posted. I wish you the best of luck and I will be following along. Take care and be safe.
Thanks smoky... I hope for it to be a good grow also...
Thanx bro, But i am not going to use it for a lil wile. I am going to be hand dunking them until the roots come out of the 4" Rockwool cube thin its on to the drip system...
hey man! looking like your off to the races!

snuggles, when he said silica blast is the poops, did he mean is 'bad'? Or not good to use?!

What does it do? Similar to hygrozyme? That hydro system looks intense! haha, how big can you get the little suckers in there? How long will you veg for?
Naw i know snuggles from another forum and i was having a problem finding liquid silicone at my local hydro store so he told me about silica blast, its the same thing...

Liquid Silicone.....
Silicon is a beneficial plant nutrient, found in virtually all natural soils but not - until now - in hydroponic nutrient solutions. Silicon will strengthen the plant walls producing stronger healthier plants with massive root systems and increased resistance to pests and disease. Liquid Silicon is highly beneficial to plants in the range of 10–30 ppm in the nutrient solution. It is not included, and cannot be included, at these levels, in nutrient concentrates. It needs to be added as a separate component by the grower. Liquid Silicon can be added to nutrient tanks every time a fresh batch is made up.

Liquid Silicon... the missing element.
A. Improves uptake of nutrients and transport through the plant.
B. Strengthens cell walls, helping plants to resist attacks from fungi and mites.
C. Increases chlorophyll production leading to darker green leaves and improved light collection.
D. Increases uptake of available CO2 and utilises the enhanced metabolic processes to deliver higher yields.
E. Adds very useful extra potassium for enhanced flowering.

Liquid Silicon has an important role in the uptake and vascular transport of mineral nutrients, and can greatly improve the mechanical "strength" of the plant and its resistance to fungal diseases.

The addition of Liquid Silicon to nutrient solutions can greatly reduce the incidence and severity of fungal diseases including Botrytis (bud rot) and powdery mildew.

Recent research has demonstrated that raising the silicon concentration in hydroponic solutions produced thicker, whiter, healthier root systems and increased yields.

Silicon has also been shown to result in higher concentrations of chlorophyll per unit area of leaf tissue. This means that a plant is able to tolerate both lower and higher light levels by using more of the available light.
And about the hydro set up, i just built it. It measures 3'x2' and has 6 6" net pots in it and they are well spaced, so plenty of room. And it fits perfictley in a little spot in my closet right under my 250W. I am probley going to veg just a month. Maybe shorter depends how fast/tall they grow. But im also going to be doing 2 of these lemons in my home made bubble buckets. And the are 5 gallon buckets with a 12" net pot on a dripper system lets see if i have a picture.. But i am going to veg those for prob 2 months.. And LST them both.

OK found picture but its from last grow with them...

Looks good so far, I like how Timmy has attached bombs to the side of his bubblers...this is good for security reasons. Good work Timmy.

I know they aren't really bombs
But snuggles they are bombs... They are wired to my ST547 Kalis Mainframe computers at my house which are attached to six KY670's Motion detectors. So if anyone plans on taking a step into my grow p its good night....
haha man your grow looks good. I am joining the journal. I want to see how big these babies will get. Good luck man
OK so my little Lemons are now 7 days old. Im still just dunking thim once a day, i also put a little fan on thim to strengthin them stems up... Im going to transplant to 4" blocks soon.



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