What nutes do u use

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2020
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I use all of raw npk grow bloom nitrogen potassium phosphorus omniA, Enzymes, amino acids, vit b, humic, ftlllup: kelp, silica grow microbes bloom microbes calmag. Molasses, yuvva. The results amazing. Water ware feed 900 veg 1300-1709ppm flower
I have another dumb emerald harvest kit. My local grow store cant say enough good about it. Grrr. I think before I get the next run going I will order something different online. I guess the only thing I am accustomed to ordering off the net is seeds. Almost everything else, if I can't touch it, I can't buy it. They can't stop preaching about the ceramic metal halides either.
I use chicken feces
Chicken Faces
I switch to a CMH a little over a year ago. I can tell no difference from my old MH.
They almost had me talked into 3 of them. They have them hanging everywhere around their little store. Might work in the winter for me but once it gets warm outside again, I would have to go back to my LED. Besides that, I got to see if I can grow something that comes close to looking like Boo's, since I stole his lighting concept.
They almost had me talked into 3 of them. They have them hanging everywhere around their little store. Might work in the winter for me but once it gets warm outside again, I would have to go back to my LED. Besides that, I got to see if I can grow something that comes close to looking like Boo's, since I stole his lighting concept.
They run hot , and all the guys I know liked em at 1st but wish now they went with better LEDs