Storage Lockers come out of the closet

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I have known of a dispensary about 10 or 15 years ago that rented out grow spaces in a nearby building.
seems like these guys might be a first. I could see this working, a bunch of locked grow closets off a larger "classroom/lab" set-up with other newbies attending, NO environment headaches, optional classes, perhaps a lounge, interesting times coming I missed, I had to be a criminal.
I have seen this done before. In addition to advice and a grow room they would rent you they would even grow it for you for a price. Some how it didn't work out as there is just a dispensary there today. The warehouse they used to use to rent grow rooms is no longer used for that.
One of my son's friends was talking seriously about doing something like this about 3 years ago in Denver....I don't know why they never ended up doing it. My biggest concern was passing pests and disease from one room to the other. I'll be interested to see how they do.
I suspected the one I remember may have had problems with all the grow rooms in close proximity. The staff going into the different rooms and the growers coming and going may have increased the exposure to those problems you mentioned. You would almost need "clean rooms" like the ones used in manufacturing computer chips as not to contaminate the rooms the staff or growers go into. Someone will figure something out to correct these issues and make a business like this viable and make a lot of money no doubt.
There are a lot of people who would love to grow these days.
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