Police mistake Pokemon GO players as dealers

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May 2, 2008
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lol just read this on hightimes..
man this pokemon stuff.. i just never understood this one. never got into pokemon.
glad it's bringing folks together though i guess..

Last week’s release of Pokémon GO, the augmented reality mobile game that allows players to capture virtual Pokémon in the real world, has led to a slew of bizarre incidents, from a Wyoming teen stumbling upon a dead body to armed robbers using the game to target victims. However, our favorite story, thus far, comes from a Reddit user who couldn’t sleep and found himself in a park a few blocks from his house, hunting for Pokémon at 3 a.m.

“So I get there and wander around a little checking out the stops and rustling around in the tall grass, then decide to go a few blocks away to see a couple more stops when I hear from the darkness a ‘Yo, my man!'” he explained. “Turning, I see two sketchy looking dudes sitting on a bench in the dark. I must have walked right past them without noticing them. One of them waves, ‘My man, check over by the blue truck over there we got an Onyx earlier.'”

“So I wander over by the truck and sure enough there’s a ******* Onyx there,” he continued. “Awesome. So I end up chatting with the guys for a bit, told ‘em where I got my Evee, they convinced me to join red team when I hit level five so we could ‘lock **** down’ in the neighbourhood. Then the cop shows up.”

According to the Reddit user, “two twentysomething black dudes and a 40-year-old white guy chilling in the park at 3 a.m.” must have looked strange, with the police assuming that they had stumbled upon a drug deal taking place.

“It took a bit of talking to convince the cop we weren’t doing a drug deal, and a bit longer to explain the game,” he said. “Then the cop downloaded the ******* game on his phone and asked us how to get started.”

And honestly, we think if the police “gotta catch ’em all,” they should be chasing down Pokémon, not non-violent drug offenders.

Been happening here also. People out late night at places they shouldn't be and the cops come. For some reason they think it is ok since they are playing a game.
Morons need to be arrested.
Really? You think they should be arrested for playing a game? Last time I checked it isn't illegal to be out late at night. W.T.F., so if you can't associate with it, you want those people arrested? I don't play the game but I also don't think someone should be arrested for being out at 3 a.m., playing a game, while not bothering a single other individual.
You claim that you're being persecuted for growing a plant but at the same time you want to persecute someone for playing a video game.
You folks and your double standards.....sheesh

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Really? You think they should be arrested for playing a game? Last time I checked it isn't illegal to be out late at night. W.T.F., so if you can't associate with it, you want those people arrested? I don't play the game but I also don't think someone should be arrested for being out at 3 a.m., playing a game, while not bothering a single other individual.
You claim that you're being persecuted for growing a plant but at the same time you want to persecute someone for playing a video game.
You folks and your double standards.....sheesh

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

I don't think his comment was directed at playing a game or being out late, but at being at places they shouldn't be at late night. Such as parks that close at dark, businesses that are closed for the evening, and ect,ect
:yeahthat: and what the hell or you smoking? You fall out of bed. Im mean what the hell is your problem,,,lol
And no i dont care if ya want to play games,,,but really,,,that dont sound rediclous to you?
Central Park, NY is open untill 1a.m., all the major cities keep the parks open late. The bars don't even close until 3-4 a.m. leaving the drunks to walk home, but the guy playing stupid Pokemon should get arrested?

Regarding the businesses, Mc Donalds,KFC, Taco Bell, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, etc... are all open 24 hours in the cities. Your arguments are moot.

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Nobody is argueing, just stating facts. Read the police dispatch log. Also did you miss the part about being closed?
my back yard is closed to everyone all the time. if there IS a pokemon thingy back there its MINE.
Central Park, NY is open untill 1a.m., all the major cities keep the parks open late. The bars don't even close until 3-4 a.m. leaving the drunks to walk home, but the guy playing stupid Pokemon should get arrested?

Regarding the businesses, Mc Donalds,KFC, Taco Bell, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, etc... are all open 24 hours in the cities. Your arguments are moot.

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

Drunks get arrested all the time my friend,,,i know,,i live in Dallas. Lol
And as Duck said,,those places are open for business,what the hell does that have to do with these boneheads. Listen,,if you want to play Pokemon,,go ahead,,but ya think you could do it during the day. :rofl:
I mean dont these ppl have real jobs where tbey have to be up early or something.

huge craze right now.. it's insane.
it's getting people out though, i guess.. pokeman hunters have stumbled upon a few bodies now, caught cheating boyfriends, and all sorts of other odd crap.

trespassing.. better not be any hanging out in someones garden ;)
i'm surprised companies haven't tried to buy their way in (a pokeman stop at every mcdonalds for example)

kinda sad.. as society is even more zombified to their phones. *i hate how hooked everyone is on their phone. can't even go an hour without checking it (an hour? most can't even do 10 minutes)