masking the smell??

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Feb 18, 2009
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Does anyone have any ideas on how to cover up the smell for an outdoor backyard garden??
I had a friend that grew in his backyard he put moth balls around his plants to mask smell and keep rodents away, he swore by it, but if you ask me it didn't help much, mabe someone no's a plant that stinks more that pot? Goodluck with the masking you'll need it!

grow some sage bushes in ya flower beds. some may not think they make good ornaments but i like them and they just wreak of their own essence. and sometimes i find it slightly similar in smell to mj especially when burned.
i know some native americans who burn sage and it smells alot like mj when burned i know that.
guaranteed if ya had 4 nice size sage bushes in ya yard thats all your gonna smell and it'll be obvious to anyone who knows sage thats where the smell is being omitted from..

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