Why is rap/weed music violent????

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Great Spirit

Active Member
Jan 14, 2007
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I have noticed that a lot of rap artists like Snoop Dogg and Cypress Hill, etc smoke weed, but there is so much violence in their music. Now we are supposed to present weed as a peaceful plant used to gain higher consciousness. On the other hand, you get the Rastas with the peaceful reggae music talking about weed which is so much different then the rap music.

I understand that a lot of their music is a reflection of ghetto lifestyle where drug use is rampant, but thats mostly coke and crack..and not really weed, and if it is weed, its usually laced weed. I am at a loss to explain this.

But when you get people singing about being high and then shooting people, that greatly diminishes our chances of legalization because lawmakers and voters definitely WILL NOT allow the legalization of another substance that induces violence.

Anyone care to elaborate on this subject?

(Pic removed by Stoney Bud...could be taken very wrong by lots of people)
Well maybe they use it for the same uses as us, just the difference is they encorporate it into their music and we get the perception that it's used badly on their part
caribbean_smoker_20 said:
Well maybe they use it for the same uses as us, just the difference is they encorporate it into their music and we get the perception that it's used badly on their part
Well they are ruining it for all of us because I stated previously, lawmakers and voters will not allow the legalization of a substance that will cause violence and chaos.
You've gotten some elaboration ..

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Great Spirit said:
I have noticed that a lot of rap artists like Snoop Dogg and Cypress Hill, etc smoke weed, but there is so much violence in their music.
Maybe herbage makes it less violent. Or maybe I need another bowl.

Either way I'm taking the bowl. :D

Anyways, MJ does not automaticaly make one "peaceful", although it would be killer if it did. :)

The same could be said for a few other generes. Unfortunately the violence in the music is partly a response for a market that wants that sorta bain dramage.

Interesting topic.

Man...I didn't need that bowl....
Now dont get me wrong I love rap music. But... Im not gonna lie most of the rap music today is usally about drugs, violence and the horizental hustle. Yeah it does give marijuana a bad name but most of all rap music is violent even without drugs. Tupac didnt talk about drugs in alot of his songs but they were still violent as h3ll.
Droster said:
Now dont get me wrong I love rap music. But... Im not gonna lie most of the rap music today is usally about drugs, violence and the horizental hustle. Yeah it does give marijuana a bad name but most of all rap music is violent even without drugs. Tupac didnt talk about drugs in alot of his songs but they were still violent as h3ll.
Well you know what then, those EDIT FOR LANGUAGE should not be associated with cannabis if they are violent.

Did you know that older people turn out to vote more then people in their 20s and 30s? Now if some 69 year old voter has an opportunity to vote on a referendum to legalize cannabis and they pick up a rap CD with a big cannabis leaf and they see songs like "I Wanna Get High And Drunk" or "**** Pigs..Smoke Weed"....................then yes they will definitely consider cannabis a dangerous drug and will keep it illegal. They are still in the reefer madness mentality.

The rap artists are helping out the prohibitionists there and it is hurting our chances of legalization very bad.

Logically, you don't want any substance that could induce violence legal (alcohol), but since prohibition is a failure, there is no choice but to legalize all drugs and regulate them and keep them out of the black market.
Great Spirit said:
Well you know what then, those EDIT FOR LANGUAGE should not be associated with cannabis if they are violent.

Did you know that older people turn out to vote more then people in their 20s and 30s? Now if some 69 year old voter has an opportunity to vote on a referendum to legalize cannabis and they pick up a rap CD with a big cannabis leaf and they see songs like "I Wanna Get High And Drunk" or "**** Pigs..Smoke Weed"....................then yes they will definitely consider cannabis a dangerous drug and will keep it illegal. They are still in the reefer madness mentality.

The rap artists are helping out the prohibitionists there and it is hurting our chances of legalization very bad.

Logically, you don't want any substance that could induce violence legal (alcohol), but since prohibition is a failure, there is no choice but to legalize all drugs and regulate them and keep them out of the black market.

Slow down buddy..you can't say "x and y can't be associated with weed">it's a free thing.If you can say that then maybe you can say the poor shouldn't be associated with or even entitled to a nice lifestlye then? By saying something like that you begin to sound like a very selfish person and in my eyes, those same people who only want their way (illegalization)

Is there even a template of what every marijuana smoker should be like?I don't think so

Everyone smokes weed just like everyone does alot of other things.We know all those negative images that they put out there ruin our chances of legalization but it's just something you have to live with.
Leave your little ghetto and learn more about the world. What era are u from.
Are u and the other in the room a bigot ?
haha... i love cypress hill so id like to think that after a hard day "bustin" they cruze home in there nine deuce cadillac, roll up a fatty, makin there minds slow but not F****** with the big 4 0...

lol... but the reality of it is b real (yeh stupid name i know but cmon...its cypress hill! lol) probably stops by his grandmas house every day for lunch, swings by his local cinema to catch a rerun of an old jimmy stewart film, drops in at his local shopping mart on the way home pics up some cake mix, gets the guys together and makes fairy cakes for all the orphans...

ok maybe thats a bit exadurated, but still, its all a publicity act man, its business, to me its like saying "damn why is Samual L Jackson such a loud mouth swearbox... well the reality of that is he probably isnt, hes probably a real nice guy its just he's very good at portraying this charictor..

everythings business, and hey it works, it appeals to a MASS audience which is why there where they are. lol its a shame that half the people who listen to the music are violent themselves...

anyone seen the film Puff Puff Pass?? kinda like that "Cold Crush Killer" guy lol...
they rap about that stuff cause thats what they do as artist, thats their "thing" you know, juss like reggae artist make the type of music they do...
There's always going to be garbage music out there. Check out artists from Rhymesayers, or Anticon label. Don't be turned off by a genre because of it's pop cash-cows.
i don't think rapping about weed and violence is hurting the road to legalization because they are two different subjects.

for example, i haven't heard lyrics like "i take a hit from the bowl, before i shoot 3 guys on the block." which would, obviously, directly link the two subjects.

Instead, I notice most violence in rap is derived from dealing with fake people, and rivals, not the use of weed.

The subject of weed is usually accompanied with lyrics about relaxing, winding down after a hard day. You know, the reasons we use it for.

So what I'm saying is, politicians aren't stupid. No one is inferring that weed causes violence.

You could argue that politicans PLAY stupid. They TRY to act like there's an actual link, the way they tried to act like there was a link between iraq and alqaeda, just so they can keep it banned. BUT, i don't think they are able to do that given the wealth of information on weed available to everyone. You couldn't tell a politician that there wasn't Al'qaeda in iraq, you kinda had to trust him. You can sure as hell tell him that weed doesn't cause violence though, so they don't even try to play with that.

That's just my opinion though.

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