what could these be?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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I have found a good private spot in the deep woods, but there is a problem, there are these metal oval tags on the trees, there has to be at least 10,000 trees in these woods but there are these metal tagson them, the woods i want to grow in is right behind 3 large corn feilds, and so what i thought the tags were maybe for to scar off deer from the farmers corn feilds, because they make alot of noise in the wind and they are shinny but i dont know this is just a guess, if any one knows the answer please help.

Dont even come near them, there called marked trees. They can be marked for various reasons (scientific stuff and studys on horticulture) sometimes high schools do this for classes and watch there growth and stuff.

I would also stay away from there. Around me, they either mark the trees with those tags or spray paint on them for logging. I've seen them use those tags though. Be careful. Find another spot. Just my thoughts. Take care and be safe.
Find a place inbetween two corn fields. Like a ditch or an old fence row or hedge row with corn on both sides and where the ditch or fence row runs but there is not enough room for them to mow or spray the area on the fence row. An area where there is not enough room to get a tractor between the corn. You will have to waite till around june untill they lay by the corn two plant there. Have you plants about a foot tall and ready to move to the area. I like an area with trees on the fence row then there are spots without trees for a few yards and big weeds grow there. Even though its june your plants will still get over 6 to 8 foot because there will be all day sun. look at this post and you can see an area i used last year for a plant. See picks. Hope this helps.


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